Tens of thousands of eager celebrators gathered in Times Square, right in the middle of Manhattan, New York, to watch the famous downward descent of the lit ball at midnight. Star-studded lineups like LL Cool J and Megan Thee Stallion provided thrilling performances at the much awaited occasion.
A confetti test was held by organizers on Friday, giving visitors to Times Square an early look at the famous New Year's Eve extravaganza in New York City. To make sure every last detail, down to the 2-by-2-inch slips, would be flawless when the confetti dropped at Sunday's midnight, the organizers of a promotional event shot handfuls of colored paper into the sky.
With the huge throngs who are expected to assemble in Times Square for the celebrations, Jeff Straus, president of Countdown Entertainment, stressed the painstaking attention to even the tiniest details.
People everywhere are getting ready to welcome in a prosperous New Year on January 1st, armed with fresh goals and resolutions. There's no doubt that celebrating the New Year's Eve with a lavish spread, spending time with loved ones, and raising your standards is necessary.
Around midnight, a small group of perhaps thirty protestors at Grand Central Terminal across the city unfolded Palestinian flags, throwing balloons in the flag's red, green, black, and white colors, and yelling, "Cease-fire now!"