Prior to the 'Pran Pratishtha' event on January 22 at the Ram temple in Ayodhya, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated on Friday that he would perform an 11-day anushthan (rituals). “Only 11 days are left for Ram Lalla's ‘pran pratishtha’ in Ayodhya. I am fortunate to witness the auspicious occasion. God has asked me to represent the people of India during the ceremony. Keeping in mind, I am beginning an 11-day special ritual from today. I seek blessings from all of you,” the prime minister said in a video message on social platform X.
Hindu scriptures state that the intricate ceremony known as "pran pratishtha" of a deity's idol There are various rules given down which need to be fulfilled before the ceremony. Prime Minister Modi has made the decision to strictly adhere to all the traditions notwithstanding his busy schedule and obligations. Consequently, he has started an 11-day anushthan.
Particular guidelines for the fast preceding the consecration are prescribed in Hindu scriptures. The prime minister has a daily regimen that includes Brahma Muhurat Jagran, prayers, and a modest diet. January 22 is the day the great Ram temple in Ayodhya will be dedicated, with the prime minister serving as its master. The event is nearing its conclusion, with invitations to the ceremony having been sent to a number of VVIP visitors from both India and overseas.
There will also be a 1008 Hundi Mahayagya, where thousands of followers will be fed. In order to house thousands of believers, several tent cities are being built in Ayodhya. The Sri Ram Janambhoomi Trust states that accommodations will be provided for 10,000–15,000 persons. In order to guarantee that everyone attending has a seamless and spiritually enlightening experience, local officials are also preparing for the expected spike in visitors surrounding the major event. They are already putting improved security measures into place and organizing logistics.