Manoj Jarange-Patil, a Maratha activist, has given the Maharashtra government a whole day to execute instructions pertaining to his demands. He stated that they will remain in Vashi on Friday and wait until Saturday afternoon at twelve before marching in the direction of Azad Maidan. The Maratha activist reported that all of their demands have been approved by the government, and they have been given time to make orders pertaining to their demands.
His main requests are to: establish an ordinance granting Kunbi certificates to all blood relatives of the 57 lakh Marathas who have Kunbi ancestry; make plans for providing caste certificates to all of them; provide free education for Maratha boys and girls from kindergarten to postgraduate studies; permit the retired justice Sandeep Shinde committee to continue serving for a year; prohibit hiring anyone into government positions without a Maratha quota; and remove all criminal cases that were filed against them during previous Maratha reservation demonstrations.
Jarange-Patil also stated that he would march to Azad Maidan even if the government gave the necessary directives on Saturday. "Our intention to march to Azad Maidan has not been abandoned. If the government grants all of our demands, we will go there to celebrate; if not, we will start an indefinite hunger strike tomorrow, he said.
Also, it implies that he will travel to Mumbai at all costs. Meanwhile, on Friday morning, he began his hunger strike. Following her 11 a.m. lunch stoppage, the Maratha campaigner is now only dependent on water for survival. He declared he would launch a full-fledged hunger strike in Azad Maidan if his demands were not fulfilled within the allotted time frame.
Jarange-Patil, who was scheduled to arrive in Mumbai on Friday, was demanding that the Maratha community be granted a reservation from the Other Backward Classes (OBC) quota. He altered the plan in response to a government delegation that visited APMC Market and persuaded him not to travel to Mumbai. The delegation was led by Secretary of the General Administration Department Sumant Bhange. Bhange further disclosed that the administration has asked to abandon his strategy and chosen to grant all of his requests.