The India Meteorological Department (IMD) created a dedicated webpage on Thursday that provides weather-related information for Ayodhya and surrounding areas, with only four days remaining before the much-anticipated consecration event at the Ram temple. The webpage provides data on wind patterns, humidity, precipitation, and temperature forecasts. From January 17 to January 24, a weekly forecast is displayed in the following main languages: Hindi, English, Urdu, Chinese, French, and Spanish. In addition, consumers may get a weather advisory in both Hindi and English that includes a seven-day forecast as well as sunrise and sunset times.
It is predicted by the IMD that the minimum temperature on January 22, the day of the main consecration event, would be 10.7 degrees Celsius, and the maximum temperature will be 22.2 degrees Celsius. As for Ayodhya, it recorded 11.6 degrees Celsius on Thursday. In addition, the website provides meteorological data for a number of other cities, including Prayagraj, Varanasi, Lucknow, and New Delhi.
January 22, at 12:30 pm, is when the Ram temple in the holy city of Ayodhya is scheduled to be consecrated. Chief guest at the lavish event will be Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The gathering has been extended invitations to thousands of people, including politicians, celebrities, and saints. A seven-day "Pran Pratishtha" that started on Tuesday is being organized in Ayodhya in advance of the event. A day after the idol toured the temple grounds, on the third day of the Vedic ceremonies, the idol of Ram Lalla is placed in the Ram temple's Garbh Grah (sanctum sanctorum). Rituals including Aushadhadhivas, Kesaradhivas, Ghritadhivas, Dhanyadhivas, Pushpadhivas, and Madhyadhivas will take place throughout the course of the following three days.