Not conclusive; leading to no conclusion; not closing or settling a point in debate, or a doubtful question; as, evidence is inconclusive when it does not exhibit the truth of a disputed case in such a manner as to satisfy the mind, and put an end to debate or doubt.
Not decisive; not bringing to a final or ultimate issue; as, an indecisive battle, argument, answer.
Undetermined; prone to indecision; irresolute; unsettled; wavering; vacillating; hesitating; as, an indecisive state of mind; an indecisive character.
Not determinable; impossible to be determined; not to be definitely known, ascertained, defined, or limited.
An indeterminable thing or quantity.
Not determinate; not certain or fixed; indefinite; not precise; as, an indeterminate number of years.
Depending; pendent loosely; hanging; swinging.
Wavering; unstable; doubtful.
Inclined or hanging downwards, as a flower on a recurved stalk, or an ovule which hangs from the upper part of the ovary.