WhatsApp has recently unveiled a new feature called "View Once" for voice messages, introducing self-destructing messages that can only be listened to once. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of the key aspects of this latest feature:
1. **Distinct Logo for View Once Messages:** Voice messages sent with the "View Once" feature are marked with a specific "1" logo in green, indicating their self-destructive nature.
2. **One-Time Listening:** As the name suggests, recipients can listen to these "View Once" voice messages only once. Once played, the message will automatically get deleted without any option for a replay.
3. **No Forwarding Option:** These messages cannot be forwarded to other users, even by the sender. The inability to share or forward them imposes a limit on their distribution.
4. **Automatic Deletion in 14 Days:** Unopened "View Once" voice messages have a 14-day window before they are automatically deleted from the recipient's chat thread.
5. **Backup and Restoration:** While these messages are included in regular backups, they can only be restored if unopened. Once played, they won't be recoverable.
6. **Sender Playback Restriction:** Unlike regular voice notes, senders won't be able to playback or listen to their sent "View Once" voice messages post-sending. However, there's an option to preview before sending.
7. **Reporting Capability:** Users have the ability to report issues related to "View Once" messages. WhatsApp assures that the content can be provided to them for investigation if necessary.
8. **Screen Recorder Usage:** On Android devices, recipients can use the native screen recording feature to capture "View Once" voice messages.
9. **No Saving or Starring:** Recipients cannot save or star these self-destructing messages for future reference. The options to save or star them are unavailable by default.
This new feature adds an additional layer of privacy and control over voice messages, but its one-time accessibility and non-transferability make it important for users to be mindful of their interactions.