In a distressing turn of events at Murshidabad Medical College in West Bengal, nine newborns tragically passed away within a harrowing twenty-four-hour period. Officials at the hospital revealed that among the ten infants affected, three were born within the facility, while seven were transferred from other medical centers for further treatment.
Hospital authorities disclosed crucial details regarding the deceased infants' conditions. Of the nine newborns, two were grappling with congenital heart ailments, one suffered from congenital neurological issues, two battled septicemia, three struggled with low birth weight, and one encountered both congenital problems and low birth weight. Adding to the complexity, one child aged 26 months had congenital ailments.
The devastating incident has stirred significant public outcry, prompting a swift response from authorities. It was reported that these infants were shifted from the Special Newborn Care Unit (SNCU) at Jangipur Sub-Divisional Hospital to Murshidabad Medical College due to inadequate facilities, escalating the strain on an already overwhelmed medical infrastructure.
Professor Amit Dan, the Principal of Murshidabad Medical College Hospital, addressed the situation, acknowledging the heartbreaking circumstances surrounding the deaths. He highlighted the challenges, citing insufficient facilities to treat severely ill infants, coupled with an overflow of patients due to ongoing Public Works Department (PWD) activities at the Jangipur hospital.
Expressing condolences to the grieving families, Professor Dan stressed the urgent need for a comprehensive inquiry. A medical board comprising eminent doctors has been assembled to conduct a thorough investigation into the tragic episode.
In response to the incident, the state health department issued a statement vowing to take necessary measures to prevent such distressing occurrences in the future. An ongoing investigation is in progress, with further details anticipated soon.
The distressing loss of these innocent lives has sparked an urgent demand for accountability and scrutiny into the circumstances surrounding the tragic event at Murshidabad Medical College.