The Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla has announced the formation of two inquiry committees to investigate the security breach incident that occurred in the Parliament on December 13, 2023. He also dismissed any link between the suspension of some MPs and the incident.
In a letter to the Members of Parliament, Birla expressed his grave concern over the incident, in which two men jumped inside the Lok Sabha chamber from the visitors’ gallery with canisters of yellow smoke. They were pinned down by MPs who were in the House during the Zero Hour
Birla said that a high-level inquiry committee has been constituted for an in-depth investigation of the incident and the report will be soon shared with the House. He also said that he has constituted a high-powered committee to review various aspects of security in the Parliament complex and formulate a concrete action plan to prevent such incidents from happening again.
Birla further said that he discussed with leaders from all parties on how to strengthen the security arrangements and some of the suggestions have been implemented immediately
He also said that there is no association between the Parliament security breach and the suspension of the MPs from Lok Sabha
“It is indeed unfortunate that some Members and political parties are linking the decision of the House to suspend some members from the service of the House to the incident which occurred on December 13, 2023
This is unwarranted,” the Speaker said in his statement
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