A video featuring a fashion show showcasing Muslim women in burqas at a college in Uttar Pradesh has ignited a heated debate on social media. While the organisers intended to provide a platform for Muslim women to exhibit their creativity, the spectacle drew strong objections from the Jamiat-e-Ulema, citing concerns about the portrayal of burqas in a fashion display.
The videos exhibit women students elegantly walking the ramp in burqas, sparking contrasting reactions. Alina, a participant, expressed that their aim was to highlight the fashionable side of the burqa, challenging its traditional association solely with domestic wear. She emphasized that they intended to convey that burqas could also represent a sense of fashion and style.
Unable to partake in conventional fashion shows with shorter dresses, Alina sought to create a platform acknowledging the Muslim community's clothing preferences.
Dr. Manoj, a faculty member at Muzaffarnagar's Shri Ram College, extended support to the students, praising their initiative. He highlighted the increasing global recognition and opportunities in fashion pertaining to hijabs and burqas, underlining their potential to boost confidence among Muslim women.
Contrarily, Maulana Mukarram Qasmi, representing Jamiat-e-Ulema, vehemently opposed the display. He asserted that showcasing the burqa in a fashion context was inappropriate and could potentially offend the sentiments of the Muslim community, warning of potential legal repercussions if similar events reoccur.
The Jamiat-e-Ulema underscored that while fashion shows are acceptable, they shouldn't target any particular religious community, especially when it concerns attire linked to religious identity.
The controversy surrounding the fashion event underscores the complex intersection of fashion, religious symbolism, and cultural sensitivities, triggering polarized opinions among communities and raising pertinent questions about representation and religious sentiments.