In an unsettling incident in Madhya Pradesh's Rajgarh district, a four-year-old girl fell into an open borewell on Tuesday evening, prompting immediate rescue efforts. Superintendent of Police Dharmraj Meena confirmed the distressing occurrence, which unfolded in Pipliya Rasoda village under Boda Police Station limits.
Responding swiftly, the State Disaster Emergency Response Force (SDERF) swiftly mobilized to the scene, orchestrating measures to ensure the child's access to oxygen within the borewell shaft for her safety.
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan took to his official account on X to express his direct involvement with the local administration. Assuring ongoing support, he highlighted the collaborative efforts of SDERF, NDRF, and the district administration in the concerted mission to safely extract the young girl. Chouhan pledged the utilization of all available resources to ensure her prompt and secure rescue.