The untimely death of Dr. A J Shahna, a 28-year-old aspiring doctor with unyielding determination, has rattled Kerala's medical fraternity. Driven by her dreams despite familial hardships, Shahna's aspirations were marred by an alleged dowry dispute that culminated tragically in her suicide.
Reports revealed that the promising doctor succumbed to an overdose of anaesthesia, purportedly in response to escalating demands for dowry from her partner, Dr. E A Ruwise. As their relationship soured, Shahna's despair deepened, profoundly affected by Ruwise's alleged preference for financial gain over their bond.
Ruwise, a doctor at a Thiruvananthapuram medical college and the Kerala medical postgraduate association's state president, faced charges of abetting Shahna's suicide. His arrest followed, with investigations underway to probe the circumstances surrounding the distressing event.
The medical education department's decision to suspend Ruwise and the warning from the Kerala University of Health Sciences regarding the cancellation of his MBBS registration upon any dowry-related guilt further underscored the gravity of the situation.
Shahna's elder brother, Jassin Nazz, expressed her anguish over the relentless demands for dowry. Despite their willingness to offer their best, Shahna's family allegedly faced unending requests for more, leading to threats of marriage cancellation by Ruwise.
A purported suicide note left by Shahna points fingers at Ruwise for compelling her drastic step, citing his alleged insistence on extravagant dowry demands – including gold and property. Shahna, belonging to a modest background, was unable to meet these unrealistic demands, prompting her devastating decision.
The ill-fated alliance that began with marriage proposals escalated into a financial dispute, with Shahna's family allegedly striving to meet extravagant expectations, even considering selling their assets to comply.
Shahna's friends and colleagues remembered her as a dedicated medical student, shattered by the breakdown of her relationship, causing her to abstain from college for a brief period.
Governor Arif Mohammed Khan, visiting Shahna's grieving family, condemned the menace of dowry, stressing the importance of raising awareness and fighting against such regressive practices beyond just legal measures. The tragic episode has ignited a conversation about the pernicious impacts of dowry and the urgent need for societal change