
Friendship @75 A Win -Win Relationship

19 March 2023

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                                  -Rachit Bhavsar
Introduction: The beginning of the bilateral relations between the two potential nations India and Australia that are standing on a win win mode and are likely to leave a considerable impact on the formation of a new world order that is human centric and not conflict centric world as emphasized by India as an agenda of its G-20 presidency dates back to 1788 upon the founding of the colony of New South Wales by the East India Company.
It gained momentum upon supporting of the Australian Government of Ben Chiefly supporting the independence of India and Robert Menzes the then Prime Minister of Australia supporting India's inclusion to the Commonwealth of Nations in 1950 becoming Australia's first Prime Minister to visit India and begin bilateral ties today which are standing on a win win mode on its Diamond Jubilee year.
Economic Comprehensive Trade Agreement -A Gateway of Opportunity
"The coming into force of Ind-Aus ECTA brings together two major economies of the world - India the fifth largest economy and Australia the fourteenth largest economy. Since the trade between the two countries is hugely  complementary, this offers opportunities on both sides and will pave the way for a win win relationship for both India and Australia ".
The above words state the importance and the relevance of the Economic Comprehensive Trade Agreement signed between the two countries in not only enhancing trade between the two nations, but also sets the tone of both the countries becoming important partners to each other paving a new pathway for an affinity that sees both the countries as resourceful allies that continue to work for the larger interest of the people of both the nations.
The statement of Honourable Minister of Commerce and Industry Shri Piyush Goyal sir is a new embarking for both the nations India and Australia on the path of growth trajectory through mutual correspondence of export and import of namely finished goods and raw material coupled by huge work opportunities for Indian talent to steer the prosperity of both the countries economically to a new high.
- The Economic Comprehensive Trade Agreement is a major landmark as far as future trade between both the nations is concerned as the trade is estimated to cross $45-50 billion by the year 2035 with the markets of Indian products likely to increase because of the quality and long time durability of Indian products. This will also help in significantly increasing the exports between the two nations and employment opportunities will also see a significant rise due to 10 lakh jobs expected to be created till 2026-27.
- The Economic Comprehensive Trade Agreement is an open new opportunity for the other countries such as the U.K, Canada with India thereby increasing India's growth potential as a trade partner on the global stage.
- The Economic Comprehensive Trade Agreement also will enable India's pharmaceutical market to grow more faster and get more recognition in Australian markets as the agreement shall enable quicker approval of India's generic and biosimiliar medicines.
- The Economic Comprehensive Trade Agreement signed between the two nations India and Australia is highly beneficial as far as the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement is concerned which will make the Information Technology sector more competitive and profitable in the upcoming times thereby creating more employment opportunities for the people of both the nations .
Cricket -A rivalry that bridges nations together
Cricket the gentleman's game is a great social leveller that has contributed to the friendship and shared values that both the nations cherish besides being an intense entertainer sport. The statement of the Honourable Prime Minister of Australia Mr Anthony Albenese that "Both the cricketing nations have fierce and intense rivalry but at the heart there is genuine respect reflecting the affection and friendship between our people".
This symbolises the role that sport has played in bringing together the people of the two great sporting nations. Although there have been certain umpiring controversies and belligerent conduct between some of the players cricket as a sport has been a great cementer in the cordial friendly ties between both the nations contributing to the win win synergy between both the nations. Australia legends like the spin wizard Shane Warne, Glenn McGrath, Ricky Ponting are immensely popular among the Indian people as well as Sachin Tendulkar Rahul Dravid continue to rule the hearts of the Australian fans. The esteemed graceful presence of the Honourable Prime Ministers of both the nations at the test match in Ahmedabad is a testimony that Sport is the soul of harmonious diplomatic ties between the two nations.
Culture - An essential unifier in connecting two different democracies
The words of Julie Marlow Vice President Australia India Film Council that "The MOU boosts our mission to facilitate greater collaboration and create economic and cultural opportunities between our two great screen industries".
The above statement demonstrates the pivotal role of Culture as an essential unifier in connecting and taking the friendship between India and Australia to a new high. In the wake of the Economic Comprehensive Trade Agreement signed between the two countries this year and the previlige bestowed upon India as the honour country at the Cannes Film Festival in 2022 is an icing on the cake for a win win relationship between India and Australia with culture opening a new feather in the cap for the two vibrant democracies of the world in the times a head.
Defence: The heart of a strategic diplomacy
"Bilateral defence co-operation is an important pillar of the co-operative strategic partnership".
The statement of the Honourable Defence Minister of India Shri Rajnath Singh defines the priority and importance defence holds in cementing the ties between India and Australia.
In the wake of the Galwan conflict between India and China between 5th May 2020- 11th February 2021 Defence occupies the key crux in consolidating the strategic diplomacy between the two countries India and Australia. The recently announced program by both the nations in the honour of Late Chief of Defence Staff Major General Bipin Rawat is a testimony to the emphasis that both the nations attach to defence ties leading to co-ordinated understanding of strategic issues between the military personnel of both countries apart from the participation of both nations in 17 multilateral exercises and 10 bilateral exercises of defence.
Defence co-operation between India and Australia is a crucial factor in reducing the over dependence of India on Russia for its defence equipment import and balancing its defence imports as well as domestic manufacturing needs.
Defence ties with Australia also hold a significant advantage to both the nations on a global level. This is reflected in the statement of the Honourable Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi's address to the Australian parliament in 2014 as it reflects the combined resolve of both the nations to tackle terrorism and tackle transnational crimes thereby highlighting defence ties between them as one of the milestones for both the countries to be propogators for a peaceful and harmonious world the goal which India is aspiring for as the President of the G-20 nations summit this year on the Diamond Jubilee of the India - Australia friendship.
Relevance of India - Australia friendship at the Quad level: At a time when the Russia - Ukraine war has completed a year and the Chinese aggression has been impacting nations in the South - China sea, it is time for democracies like India and Australia to join hands together along with other Quad members U.S.A and Japan to bring stability to the world order which has turned fragile due to invasions by greedy nations for power and supremacy over other nations. This is where the friendship between India and Australia which has seen positive transformation offers a ray of hope for conflicts to settle through dialogue and diplomacy between conflicting nations.
The statement of Penny Wong Minister of Foreign Affairs Government of Australia that
"Our partnership is a demonstration of our understanding that this period of change is best navigated together". is a remarkable essence of solidarity both nations have demonstrated to stand together by each other and proceed determinedly not only towards positively facing the obstacles that have arisen in the context of the distrubance due to the war between Russia and Ukraine, but also use the positive growing amicability between the two nations in their attempt towards creating a new world order that aims at a peaceful, prosperous and harmonious world for mankind in the times to come.
Conculsion: The Diamond Jubilee year of the India - Australia friendship is a cherry on the cake as India is the hosting nation of the G-20 summit this year. Amicable and cordial relations between the two democracies followed by the oppournities of trade by the Economic Comprehensive Trade Agreement along with a robust inclusive defence co-operation along with the soft power of Cricket and Culture is a testimony to the fact that this friendship between the two vibrant democracies of the world is progressing significantly and will foster a new dawn of peace prosperity as well as harmony in the times to come.

Bhavsar Rachit Gajanand's Diary
This is a collection of my poems written in English.

A Motherland's Valour

20 January 2023

(A poem dedicated to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose) - Rachit G BhavsarSkies of my nation and the vibrant sea waves,Echo that vibrant roar hearing w


A Chilled Night time

22 January 2023

(A poem describing a cold winter night) - Rachit BhavsarEarth clad in


A long walk to Freedom

30 January 2023

(A tribute to the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhiji on his 75th death anniversary) - Rachit Bhavsar O land of historic phenomenon,You on


A Heavenly Abode

31 January 2023

(A poem dedicated to my farmhouse garden) -Rachit Bhavsar I str


Beneath the ocean

1 February 2023

(A poem dedicated to the sea) - Rachit Bhavsar O vast creation of Nature,I sailed and sailed deep within you,Crossing the tides


A Heavenly paradise

2 February 2023

(A poem for my great nation India) -Rachit Bhavsar My head rises high in the skies,When I think of thy swe


A voice unheard

4 February 2023

(A poem depicting the lamenting of Mother Nature for destructive activities of mankind harming the environment) -Rach


One in a billion

5 February 2023

(A tribute to one of the finest captain of Indian Cricket M.S Dhoni) -Rachit BhavsarThe helicopter shot clears the gro


Supreme's benevolence

5 February 2023

(A poem about Life) -Rachit BhavsarHeavens! Thanks for a treasure so divine,Words fail to describe your kindness O Lord!A miracle of yours


Messenger of Peace

6 February 2023

(A poem dedicated to Shri Narendra Modiji for his outstanding role in rescuing millions of Indians and promoting peace in the wake of Russia Ukraine war)Lord! my heart wails for those innocent ones,Wh


Seven nought eight not out

8 February 2023

(A tribute to one of the greatest leg spinner of all time Shane Keith Warne) -Rachit BhavsarCricket stands quiet and shocked,Mournin


An ocean of blessedness

10 February 2023

(A poem penned about H.H Pujya Pramukh Swamiji on the occasion of his Centenary Birthday Celebrations) -Rachit


Nature's Awakening

22 February 2023

(A poem on Spring season) -Rachit BhavsarGone are the snowy cold winds,When everything was at a standstill,The nail bi


The sculptor of India's freedom

26 February 2023

(A tribute to Vinayak Damodar Savarkar)Eternal sound of the Andaman sea waves,Reminds my nation of a ferocious struggle,History scripted with heroes blood and toil,Frightened an empire bending its toe


A Glimpse of the Universe

3 March 2023

(A poem on Spring season and Holi festival) -Rachit BhavsarNever seen so splendid form,Of


To my Mother

4 March 2023

(A poem dedicated to my loving Mother) -Rachit BhavsarValues and virtues blend into one,The ever forgiving,Trut


Woman thou great

8 March 2023

(A poem honouring Women on the occasion of International Women's Day)


Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam Leading the Vivekananda way

16 March 2023

-Rachit Bhavsar"Secretraism Bigotry and Fanatism have long possessed this beautiful earth But now their time


Friendship @75 A Win -Win Relationship

19 March 2023

-Rachit BhavsarIntroduction: The beginning of the bilateral relations between the


To The Gallows

23 March 2023

(A tribute to Shaheed Bhagat Singh and his brave comrades Rajguru and Sukhdev) -Rac


The Infinite Supreme Being

30 March 2023

(A poem on Lord Ram on the occasion of Ramnavmi) -Rachit BhavsarWords fail to describe one's joy,When he thinks of almighty's pleasa


Troubleshooter Kapiraj

6 April 2023

(A poem dedicated to Shri Hanumanji on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti) -Rachit BhavsarHe the epitome of courage and


A Republic's Splendour

9 April 2023

(A poem dedicated to our National Animal Tiger on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of the Project Tiger -A Tiger conservation program of the Government of India) &n


A Centenary Occasion

29 April 2023

(A poem on Shri Narendra Modiji's Mann Ki Baat 100th episode) -Rachit BhavsarEvery word of his mesmerizing talk,Enough


A Golden Paradise

1 May 2023

(A poem for Gujarat on its 63rd Foundation Day) Victory to you O Land of the rising sun ,Where every dawn brings joy and hope,A pinch of salt picked from your shores,Compelled a mighty empire to


Dusk of a sunny season

7 May 2023

(A poem about a night after a hot summer day) -Rachit BhavsarA
