(A tribute to the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhiji on his 75th death anniversary)
- Rachit Bhavsar
O land of historic phenomenon,
You once a time upon,
Was leapt into slavery 's sleep,
Into the dark with no hope seen.
Colonialism showered its rains upon,
Stroms of communalism surrounded your shores,
Taking away with each breath of its air,
Your greatness we banked upon.
Time showed its twists and turns,
A young man casted upon your shores,
Walking and discovering far and wide,
He conquered every Inch of yours tall like tide.
He was a man as mountains tall,
Spreading your valour far and across,
He conquered minds and hearts,
With his words sublime and footsteps divine.
He was a wave that influenced distant lands,
That seemed to be insurmontable vast.
Challenging racism with all his might,
He rattled an empire of an elephant's height.
He was a lamp who brightened my land,
Like the rising sun of the dawn,
The darkness of feudalism seemed to be passing away,
With every ray of freedom and hope.
Truth his greatest armour,
Non violence his sublime thought,
He made the boundaries between religions disappear,
With his art of leading afore.
He stirred my nation from its dead of night,
With his words and thoughts deep like seas,
And made India embark far and wide,
Towards a journey beyond its skies.
Lord I pray to thee,
Let the voice of this soul ring in my ears,
Let the trumpets of his deeds blow far and wide,
To always make a nation remind,
The saintliness of a glorified soul,
Who liberated it to independence.