Labor Day is celebrated to honor the hard work done by the laborers as well as to honor those who fought for the rights of the workers. This day is celebrated every year on 1st May in many countries of India. After much struggle the workers were given their rights.
After much struggle the workers were given their rights. Those who worked hard for this day increased its importance even more. This day had special significance for him. Thus, in most countries, Labor Day celebrations initially served to honor the leaders of their union who earned the special status of the day and inspire others to fight for their rights. Speeches are given by prominent leaders and workers on spending time happily together.
Trade unions organize special lunches and dinners or organize picnics and outings for the workforce. Campaigns and parades are held to celebrate the rights of activists. Crackers are also lit.
While luncheons and picnics are organized by many organizations and groups, and trade unions organize campaigns and parades, many people see the day as an opportunity to simply relax and rejuvenate. They spend time completing their pending household tasks or go out with their friends and family.
Many countries around the world celebrate Labor Day. Some of these include Australia, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Canada, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Trinidad and Tobago, Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Libya, Somalia, Nigeria, Tunisia, Uganda and Morocco.
The date of celebration varies in these countries. In Australia it is celebrated on different dates. While in some parts of Australia it is celebrated in October, in other parts people celebrate it in March while in many places it is celebrated in May. Bangladesh celebrates this day in April while Bahamas celebrates it in June. However, most countries celebrate Labor Day on 1 May.
The history and origin of Labor Day varies from country to country. Workers and trade unions struggle a lot in different countries. Protests are held and rallies are held. It took a long time for the government to legislate against the unjust treatment meted out to the labor class by the industrialists. A special day was later recognized to commemorate the efforts made by the labourers.