Technology can also be the application of scientific knowledge to practical purposes in human life, or the modification and manipulation of the human environment. The subject of technology has been covered in many articles. See Technology, History for general treatment. hand tools. See Elastomers for a description of materials that are objects as well as means of manipulating the environment. industrial ceramics. industrial glass. Metallurgy; mineral deposits; mineral processing; mining; plastics. For energy production, see energy conversion. Extract coal. use of coal. oil production. oil refinery. See Agriculture, History for treatment of food production. Agricultural Economics; Beekeeping; Beer; Grain Cultivation. coffee; commercial fishing; dairy farming; shochu; food preservation. cultivation of fruit. Animal Husbandry; Poultry Farming. soft drinks; tea; vegetable cultivation. wine. For construction engineering techniques, see Bridges. architecture and construction; canals and inland waterways; dams; ports and marine works; lighthouses; roads and highways; Tunnels and underground excavations. environmental work. For manufacturing and construction of vehicles, see Aerospace Industry. automotive industry. For shipbuilding communication technology, see Broadcast. computer science; information processing; Photography; Press; Photographic Engraving; Typography; Telecommunications. For other manufacturing processes and products, see Adhesives. clothing and footwear industry. dyes; explosives; flooring. forestry; chemical industry; chemical fiber. surface coatings; papermaking; soaps and cleaning products. fiber. For medical applications of this technology, see Diagnostics. remedy. medicine; medicine, history; pharmaceutical industry. For military applications, see Military Technology. For the configuration of the technical system, see "Automation". Mechanical Engineering; Production Systems; Systems Engineering; History of Labor and Organizations.