

Catharsis one of the most beautiful word i have owned in my life. Yaa I'm just having this fucking power. Greatly processing this heavy one with as much heaviness . But...I think I'm in love with

Words are too powerful. History has witnessed the impact of words. We all are very much aware of Mahabharata, which was result of hate speech made by Drauapdi. Now a days hate speech has become all mo

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Tips for Submitting Your Writing and Getting Published For many writers, the submission process is a big drag because it doesn’t involve writing, and let’s face it, most of us are in it for the w

There’s no shortage of reasons why you might struggle to concentrate throughout the day, whether it’s due to your own low energy levels or because of your busy schedule. Fortunately, there are several

When i was hitting my lowest,  When i was dumped for my flaws When i was tethered to the bottom You held me up from pieces to pieces & Made me stand tall I had lost the conviction to tr

                            HATE SPEECH 🤭 Hate speech is any form of expression that ui intends to attack a person or a group by inciting violence or prejudice on the basis of attributes such as rac

Hi, I am jealousy  Many of you have heard about me, I have few names up my stock some call me envy some call me green eyed monster, well I get this a lot but some also call resentment and many more

अचानक रात को एक लड़का एक लड़की को व्हाट्सएप पर मैसेज करता है, l love you  लड़की का रिप्लाई आता है, ठीक है पर ऐसा क्यों ? लड़का डरते हुए कहता हैं,  कुछ नहीं बस इमोशन में आकर कह दिया। लड़की ने कही ,

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"Peter answered and said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here.”     —Matthew 17:4     On the back of the pulpit in the church I used to attend were printed these words: “Sir, we would

                 AAI: A SYMBOL OF LOVE AND CARE                                     June 13, 2022 A mother's love does not set with the sun. It blankets you all through the night. 'Mother' is a wo

                                   The lost one I feared losing you, but now I have  My dreams have turned into ash.  It's like my heart weighs a million pounds with pain  Making me feel like ther

It was summer spring when the weather was warm but feeling cool, the sun was shining on our heads high but it feels so good and relaxing. We were 8 and living in our own world not knowing the hardship

लेखक:–जगदीश जी शर्मा (विदेह) साबुन से तन धोने वालो, मन को तन से धो डालो तो एक विराट जन्म ले लेगा, लगुता की सीमाओ में भी पतझड़ को आश्वासन देकर या बसंत को निर्वासन आशाओं के तीर बांदते फिरते ये आवा

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If you thought Metaverse is a rage only with the megacorps, brands and their users, you have missed the action on the other side of the fence. Whom am I hinting at? The governments? Then, you st

Online Freelancing Establish Yourself As A Professional Freelancer And Earn Massive Lines Of Clients Hungry For Your Service! Freelancing – 21st Century Way of Making a Living When you consider o

Before love no worries no explanation Feel relex After love everyday new issue n everytime explanation Only stress

I knew I was in love when how happy i used to be you broke trust i left you then a pain imprisoned me I can never be free from this pain i can't love again

With the onset of covid-19 almost four years back we were introduced to virtual classes. At the beginning everyone was confused and was quite unsure how studies will be managed virtually. As it was en

The title 'Mom' itself sound very emotional and excited to narrate a real feeling from another mother. I  belongs to North East of India where green is the only color and symbolise a true color of lif

विध्वंश दुदुम्भी सर पर तेरे नाद करे,बन अनभिज्ञ कल से तु अपने आहृलाद करे !जल्द ही! जल्द ही, तु तम के कारे से घिर जायेगा,उर की पीड़ा उर में दब दिशाहीन तु, नग्न स्वयं को पायेगा!कल आएगा, तेरा कल