

I have started my unlearning journey with my two younger kids 12 and 10 years with their homeschooling, it's been 3 months into the journey. There are many ups and downs, but it's interesting. I am ex

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A Guide To the Vitamin E The Vitamin E is extremely important for a variety of functions in the body. A healthy heart needs plenty of the Vit E as it has been shown to actually prevent heart di

According to rules of daily comptition on 5, sep 2022, we don't have a winner for Daily Writing Competition  Additional information :- To include your article in the daily comptition, you must selec

According to all the rules of the Daily Writing Competition the Best article writer of September 04, 2022:- Kavya soni   👑   Link Of Article :- COFFEE AND FRIENDS 🤗  Congratulations to you from t

According to all the rules of the Daily Writing Competition the Best article writer of September 03, 2022:-  👑   Link Of Article :- Global Warming   Congratulations to you from the team �

रामदीन बेहद गरीब था । बचपन से आज तक का उसका जीवन अभावों में ही बीता था । समय के साथ माता-पिता छोड़ गए किन्तु गरीबी ने नहीं छोड़ा । शादी हो गई, बच्चे हो गए । सब आए मगर भाग्य लक्ष्मी न आई । रामदीन बेहद

Teacher / Guru has been given the highest position in life. Teachers are the mirror of the society. A teacher is a person who sets high ideals in the society. The role of teacher is very important in

Best Free Online Writing Tools To Write A Book: Gone are the days when authors used to write their books on paper with pen, because in the recent times most writers write directly online, on MS W

By far, we have discussed a lot about writing a book, looking for an idea, setting the sub plots, building characters and growing them through the book, and now we come to the next extremely very impo

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Best Free nline Writing Tools To Write A Book:  Gone are the days when authors used to write their books on paper with pen, because in the recent times most writers write directly online, on MS Wor

The teacher-disciple or teacher-student relationship becomes more important... In ancient times, students used to go to Gurukuls or Ashrams to get education.                             In tho

Have you eve tried to hold on the bonds which have been losing connection !? Some bonds are so strong that even doesn't break , some bonds are weak which breaks due to some issues of misunderstan

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Table of Contents Chapter 1: Domain Flipping – An Overview Chapter 2: How to Choose Perfect and Relevant Domain Name? Chapter 3: Values of Aged Domains Chapter 4: Domain Parking 101 Chapter 5:

नमस्कार दोस्तों, आजकल ज्यादातर महिलाओं को योनि में संक्रमण की समस्या हो रही है। एक स्वस्थ लड़की की योनि का पीएच आमतौर पर एक होता है। उनका आंत एसिड संतुलन पीएच पर है। हालांकि, इस पीएच को बनाए रखने के ल

ईश्वर स्वयं धरती पर नही आ सकते, इसलिए उन्होंने मां बनायी। पर वो मां के लिए तो सहारा बनाना ही भूल गए। नौ महीने तुमको जनने का दुख वो सहती हैं, अपनी हर उम्मीद पीछे छोड़, वो तुम्हारी हर ज़रूरत पू

ईश्वर स्वयं धरती पर नही आ सकते, इसलिए उन्होंने मां बनायी। पर वो मां के लिए तो सहारा बनाना ही भूल गए। नौ महीने तुमको जनने का दुख वो सहती हैं, अपनी हर उम्मीद पीछे छोड़, वो तुम्हारी हर ज़रूरत पू

                   COFFEE AND FRIENDS🤗 Sitting in the busiest corner of the street, lush green floors surrounding it. Decorative lanterns and wooden roof top beams, beauty of the hanging curtains gl

I have not written my Diary for some time now. But as somebody who has taught extensively for the last fourteen years after which l ended my illustrious academic career l just hope our CM Mamata Baner

We the humans, strive towards excellence in every sphere of life by trying to improve our living conditions. In the long run, We become so much occupied with ourselves,that we begin to consider ou