

"Why did you allow her to take part in the competition, Sir?" Parth looked at Harry in an exasperated tone. "You are the closest to me, out of all the people I know. Today I will tell you a secret.

1st January 2021 - He was standing tall with Alan. Denver could be seen from a faraway distance. Two most renowned gaits of Alan's gang. They were all waiting outside the Airport of Ahmednagar to rece

"The charm of death lies much beyond the life of one...." She is both – life and death for us! We began the game with "The One". It was the name of our game. The game on which our lives are based.

"We are shifting to Flat 5D. Everything is finalized. They are coming with the papers". From there, we will shift to Ahmednagar. Dick and Xavier are already there. Bela continued - "Flat 5C is now a

"There is nobody around. I was hallucinating", cried Aastha. It is the side effect of the medicines that I am compelled to take. She took a glass of water and drank it after keeping the knife down

Forgetfulness took most of her when she called him up. Aastha had forgotten who he was. He never wanted her presence in his life. But she yearned for those moments that they shared. She had her numb

The guests arrive at Aastha's place. She gives a cold welcome to them.  "Oh! They have come," she thought, hiding behind a book. "Hello, Bela. How are you doing? And where is the doll? I want to m

"I am angry. What do they do?" Harry laughed. "They don't know anything." "Don't worry. They have just come out of their shells, let them breathe peacefully. Don't force yourself on them," said Seb

"A ray of light is enough to sustain any form of darkness". Even I am in search of one to lead me to a better understanding of things. "Who could have conspired to lead me into a different world altog

“There is no better haven than one's self”, thought Xavier, while waiting for Aastha. “They have come. Let us meet them”, said Catherine. “How was your stay in Ahmednagar?” asked Catherine. “I wa

"Conspiracy cannot be hatched unescorted".... and we are conspirators! "We are cheating on her" laughed the family members. "We have cheated her through our deception. This world so created by us

“Come, let us begin with our game”, Kishan said. “Which game” questioned Dick, his son, and Aastha's younger brother. “Our game of chess. Why what did you think?” Kishan laughed. “Our plan is worki

“The moment one dreams is the moment one lives…” “And I have reached my city of dreams. Here it is. Delhi. Let me take a cab to Sir’s home,” Aastha thought. It was noon, and she had to reach the i

There are only two ways of getting on in the world - by one’s industry or by the stupidity of others (Jean de la Bruyere). Our exams prove the same. Once again, Aastha appears for the Delhi prelimin

Kolkata, 2015 "Hey Sis, your results are going to be out. Aren’t you excited?" said an excited Harlyn. "Yes. I have prayed before Shri Krishna and kept my fingers crossed. Let's hope for the best.

A year later, on 13th July 2014, Aastha’s happiness knew no bounds. She was thrilled as she would not be alone in the City of Dreams. Her sister would join her in her endeavours. Harlyn was coming t

"Clouds of dreams ought to bring rains of reality." However, she was far from realism. A depressed Aastha visited the Aim Law Institute for a job. She looked at the posters of toppers of judicial

"Change is the only constant," once a Greek philosopher, Heraclitus said. That change is now visible to me also, thought Aastha. Who knew that this was short-lived? The Change. Who knew that my hap

Turning the wheel of time, Aastha recollects her times. Despite being the topper of the college scoring in first class, she failed to get a campus placement. She visited an astrologer who predicted

“I am hungry. Let’s cook some pasta,” thought Aastha before cooking her favorite meal. “I want to try something interesting. Reading a novel might help me with my creative appetite,” she ponders.

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