We the humans, strive towards excellence in every sphere of life by trying to improve our living conditions. In the long run, We become so much occupied with ourselves,that we begin to consider our entire life as a puzzle. Of course, life is a which has to be enjoyed and not considered as a burden.
Since times immemorial, our great prophets and Have been spreading the message of welfare of living beings. A total and equal welfare of every living being, shall lead To freedom from the cycle of birth and rebirth. The purpose of every being is to achieve the almighty. Therefore, it should be everyone’s duty to think about other’s welfare. Then, How come is it that, the heroes of the Indian armed forces surrender their entire life to the well being of the citizens? In order to rewind, the primary roles of the Indian Army is to preserve national interests, safeguard sovereignty, Territorial integrity and unity of India against any external threats, By deterrence or by waging war. In this whole process, the heroes sacrifice their whole, in order to safeguard their nation. These heroes are the real heroes for the keep awake night after night, . To ensure the peaceful rest of the citizens, in scarcity of food, water and safety. There have been many instances where the only son of the family , as well as a newlywed young promises to return early from work. He does return, But in a coffin. There have been many instances where a wife is widowed, a mother’s lap is emptied, As well as a mere child is unaware of his father's demise.
Yet, we the citizens mar the name of our nation in so many ways. A small example could be corruption and exploitation. , For example, the employers exploit their employees and the strong exploit to the week. For example in some parts of India, the groom’s family demands huge assets from the bride’s family, Just as a compensation For bringing up their son for so many years. Now, if we compare this with the martyrs, When the Jawans lose their lives, their families are of course provided with compensation. But, can it compensate the loss of a son for a mother? the loss of a father for a child? or the loss of someone's husband? Many of the political leaders claim to be patriotic and On the contrary, end up exploiting the innocent by forming a vicious circle. These leaders are solely responsible for marring the sacrifices made by the martyrs. Another reason is ‘nepotism’ Due to which incapable leaders come to power by means of the media as a social drummer. they keep on promising the helpless but in vain! It is just because of these folks that some of the poorer sections of the society feel afraid of devising their own plan of a better future, And are ill fated to follow the same profession generation after generation. Therefore the question arises that, is it the responsibility of only some group of persons to sacrifice their whole? As the citizens of our nation, shouldn’t it be our duty as well to pay regards to these heroes? If these heroes can sacrifice selflessly just for others,? Then why do we think twice to even appreciate others? why do we long to be appreciated alone and why do we envy the success of others? The only answer to all these is greed, arrogance and enmity. These three elements act us poison in someone’s personality. The human mind, if one’s affected by these three poisons, begins to see everything in a complex way. Above all, simple mindedness and humanity should be the principles of human life.