

In ancient times, Indian women were seen with special respect and reverence.  Countless Indian women like Sita, Sati-Savitri, Anasuya, Gayatri etc. have proved their special place.  In the c

Fake notes showing the value of crores of rupees are being caught every year in the country.  This shows that a large number of fake notes are in circulation in the country.  These are not o

Sensitivity and concern are expressed on social, economic, political and legal issues related to women empowerment.[1] In the process of empowerment, the society is made aware of the traditional patri

Prima facie, it's sound like I'm sharing an account of my life whereas I'm sharing what I observed for the last decade. There was a time when education used to be a noble thing and we are entitled to

Hydroelectric power refers to the process of harnessing electricity using water.  It is a process of efficient energy conservation from fast flowing water.  It is one of the most established

By Sanjay Jha, AuthorImproving language and speech communication should be a continuous practice. The four aspects of language learning are speaking, listening, reading and writing. My teacher al

दोस्तों ये नया साल है भूल जाओ आपने गये काल को । नया सवेरा नयी धूप और नऐ ऊर्जा के साथ नऐ  विश्वास का दिया जलायें | उस विश्वास के पथ पर चलकर अपने सपनों को साकार बनायें । दोस्तों ये नया साल है भूल

===== As the new year  approaches with glee, We must remember  one thing, you see. ===== Let's ring in the year  ahead with cheer, But not to forget the  threat that's here. ===== The COVID

The English equivalent of the word 'democracy' is 'democracy', which is derived from the Greek root word 'demos'.  Demos means 'common people' and the word 'cresi' has been added to this word whi

        Think what to do next? Think how to proceed?                      Guess what we lost? Guess what to get?Lif

Writer's block.  There is a lot of debate around the topic.  New authors often claim to have a writer's block. A phase when writing becomes hard. There is no inspiration. An author can't put anythin

An early depiction of civil disobedience is in Sophocles' play Antigone, in which Antigone, one of the daughters of former King of Thebes, Oedipus, defies Creon, the curr

I know there is no cure for missing someone despite of knowing that you’ll never meet them again. You will continue missing them. Loving them when already know that they can’t hear you calling them wh