
Three ways I overcome the writer's block

30 December 2022

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Writer's block. 

There is a lot of debate around the topic. 

New authors often claim to have a writer's block. A phase when writing becomes hard. There is no inspiration. An author can't put anything on the paper. 

On the other hand, many seasoned writers, claim that it is a myth. 

Myth or no, it is true that sometimes, a writer might experience a phase when he/she simply feels stuck, bored, uninspired or plain tired. 

I have experienced such phases. 

But I learned to overcome them. 

I have three ways to do it. 

1. Music.

When I plan a scene or a chapter, I also have a song to go with it, which roughly defines the mood of the character in the scene. 




In love


When I feel stuck, I play the song over and over again, and think about how my character must be feeling. I can then approach the task, with a fresh and an inspired mind. 

2. Images. 

I open Google images or Pinterest or any such sights and go through different images that approximately define the setting of my story. 

This gets me to write. 

If nothing comes to mind, I simply observe the image and start describing it, while placing my character in it. 

After a few odd sentences, I usually get back in track. 

3. Do a chore. 

I take up a task at home and work. 

Cooking, cleaning, gardening, clearing off clutter or rearranging my wardrobe. 

Then I imagine, how would my character approach these tasks. 

After completing the task, I write how my character feels when doing that chore, 

A few questions I ask 

       How did she feel when doing the task?

       What time of the day/night was it?

      Did she talk to someone? (her mother or a friend)

       What was the conversation about? 

Soon, I am back on track. 

Even if it sounds a bit long process or tedious, it is better than spending several unproductive days, staring at a blank screen or a blank page. 

About Writing
I read to learn. This is a summary of all that I have learned about writing.