In a horrifying incident that has sent shockwaves through the city of Mathura, an elderly couple fell victim to a vicious attack in the quiet hours of Saturday morning. The attack resulted in the tragic loss of the wife's life, while her husband suffered critical injuries at their residence in the Guru Kripa Colony of Mathura.
The elderly couple, aged 55 and 60, were alone in their home when the assailants struck them on their heads with a hard and blunt object. The incident occurred at approximately 2 am, leaving the victims in a dire state. The authorities were alerted, and the Highway Police Station in Mathura swiftly responded to the distress call. Both victims were immediately transported to the hospital to receive much-needed medical attention.
Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Mathura, Shailesh Pandey, personally visited the crime scene, which is located in a posh locality within the jurisdiction of the Highway Police Station. In a statement to the media, SSP Pandey conveyed the grim news, saying, "The injured woman succumbed to her injuries, while her husband is currently undergoing treatment. The couple was alone in their home last night when the attack took place. We have formed six investigative teams to expedite the resolution of this case, and we are hopeful of apprehending the culprits soon."
The investigation into this heinous crime has been initiated with great urgency. It will be a collaborative effort, involving police personnel from four police stations in Mathura, with active participation from the surveillance team. At this early stage, no specific motive for the attack can be ascertained, leaving many questions unanswered. The police will rely on the findings from the post-mortem report, the medico-legal report, and any information provided by the family members of the victims to shed light on the circumstances surrounding the attack.
The deceased woman has been identified as Kalpana Agarwal, aged 55, while her injured husband is Krishna Agarwal, aged 60, a prominent businessman in Mathura. It is a heartbreaking turn of events for a couple who were simply at their home. Notably, their son and daughter-in-law were away in Varanasi when this shocking incident unfolded.
This brutal attack on an elderly couple has rattled the community, and the investigation is now focused on swiftly bringing the culprits to justice. The incident serves as a reminder of the need for improved security measures and prompt action to protect citizens and ensure their safety.