On the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, the brother-sister duo, actors Abhimanyu Dassani and Avantika, open up about their unique and cherished relationship. Despite their playful squabbles and differences, their bond remains unbreakable, reflecting the true spirit of Raksha Bandhan. Born to actor Bhagyashree, they shed light on their heartwarming tradition and the significance of this festival in their lives.
A Day of Family and Festivity:
For Abhimanyu and Avantika, Raksha Bandhan is a day of grand celebration with family. Cousins gather at their home for a traditional lunch that includes delicious dishes like rasawala aloo and puris. The atmosphere is filled with laughter and camaraderie as they spend the day enjoying each other's company and indulging in good food and entertainment.
A Reminder of Love and Compassion:
The essence of Raksha Bandhan lies in strengthening the bonds of love and compassion among family members. Despite the occasional disagreements that come naturally to siblings, this festival serves as a reminder of the deep-rooted love they share. Avantika mentions how even during times of disagreement, Raksha Bandhan reaffirms their affection for each other. It's a celebration that renews their sense of responsibility and connection.
Thoughtful Gestures Over Material Gifts:
Abhimanyu and Avantika highlight that the most precious Rakhi gifts aren't materialistic in nature. These tokens of affection reflect the depth of their relationship. Abhimanyu once gifted Avantika with the promise not to irritate her for 48 hours, a gift that brought peace and laughter. On the other hand, Avantika's gesture of ordering Abhimanyu's favorite dishes from different restaurants created a memorable and cherished Rakhi moment.
The Tom and Jerry Sibling Dynamic:
Their relationship is akin to the playful dynamics of the famous cartoon characters Tom and Jerry. Abhimanyu proudly admits to being the protective older brother who enjoys teasing his sister. Avantika, however, playfully labels him as the "annoying one" who relishes the art of getting under her skin. Raksha Bandhan holds special significance for her, as it's the day Abhimanyu has no choice but to be kind.
Evolution and Strength in Siblinghood:
Abhimanyu and Avantika acknowledge that their bond has grown stronger with time. Avantika appreciates how her brothers, including Abhimanyu, have instilled resilience in her by being protective and teaching her to stand up for herself. She describes their relationship as "Die or Try," indicating their unyielding support for each other. Abhimanyu, being the elder brother, describes their bond as protective and everlasting.
A Cherished Connection:
Amidst the playful banter and occasional clashes, their mother's values have deeply rooted in their relationship. During challenging times, they draw strength from each other and stand united. This unbreakable support and loyalty are the most cherished aspects of their bond.
Abhimanyu Dassani and Avantika exemplify the true essence of siblinghood on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan. Their Tom and Jerry dynamic, filled with love, teasing, and unwavering support, is a testament to the enduring power of family bonds. As they celebrate this festival with cousins and loved ones, their story reminds us of the importance of embracing differences and nurturing the precious connections that make life truly meaningful.