Shilpa Shetty's latest film "Sukhee," which marks the directorial debut of Sonal Joshi, made its way to the theaters with anticipation but saw a relatively modest opening at the box office. The film, which delves into themes of patriarchy and women's empowerment with a touch of comedy, earned ₹30 lakh nett in India on its first day, according to preliminary data reported by It is expected to earn ₹40 lakh on Saturday.
"Sukhee" features Chaitanya Chaudhary playing Shilpa Shetty's husband and also includes talented actors like Amit Sadh, Kiran Kumar, and Kusha Kapila in pivotal roles. The film portrays the journey of its lead character, Sukhee, as she navigates her way through life, self-discovery, and relationships.
Critics have noted that while "Sukhee" may not be a groundbreaking film like "Thappad," it manages to strike an emotional chord with the audience. The Hindustan Times review describes it as a slice-of-life story with light-hearted comedy, emphasizing the importance of self-respect and inner strength. The film's narrative also reminds viewers of the iconic "English Vinglish," but without drawing direct comparisons.
Shilpa Shetty, who plays the titular character Sukhee, expressed her excitement about taking on a different role in this film. She described Sukhee as a character who is fearless, bold, and unapologetic in her younger days but undergoes a transformation as she matures. Shilpa highlighted the film's focus on relationships, family, and friendship, believing it will bring joy, contemplation, and entertainment to the audience.
"Sukhee" is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Vikram Malhotra, and Shikhaa Sharma. Radhika Anand penned the screenplay, with Paulomi Dutta contributing to the story.
While the film's box office performance on the opening day might be modest, its message and Shilpa Shetty's portrayal of Sukhee have garnered attention and appreciation from audiences, offering a unique perspective on self-discovery and empowerment.h