The 2023 National Film Awards were not just a day of celebration for Bollywood star Alia Bhatt, who was bestowed with her first National Film Award for Best Actor, but also a moment that showcased the chivalry and class of Ranbir Kapoor. The power couple, Ranbir and Alia, attended the prestigious awards ceremony in Delhi, where Alia was recognized for her stellar performance in 'Gangubai Kathiawadi.'
While the spotlight was undoubtedly on Alia and her much-deserved accolade, another unforgettable moment from the event was Ranbir Kapoor's thoughtful intervention when the paparazzi fervently surrounded legendary actress Waheeda Rehman, who was seated in the front row, having received the Dadasaheb Phalke Award. The incident occurred as photographers encircled Waheeda, even to the extent of pushing the table placed in front of her.
Ranbir Kapoor, known for his understated charm, stood up from his seat and politely requested the photographers to be careful. His act of gallantry did not go unnoticed, and a video of the moment soon made its way onto the internet, garnering praise from fans and onlookers alike.
In the video, a photographer can be heard saying, "Arey yar dhakka mukki, table aage jara hai yar, kya kar rahe ho aap log (why are you pushing, the table is moving, what are you doing)?" This incident highlighted Ranbir's respect for senior actors and his willingness to step in and ensure their comfort.
Fans who watched the video took to the comments section to applaud Ranbir's actions. One fan noted, "That's called upbringing," while another praised his gesture with, "Gud gesture by RK, old lady is sitting." Some even drew parallels with his late father, the esteemed actor Rishi Kapoor, commenting, "He is doing what his father used to."
On a lighter note, a few fans also playfully questioned why Ranbir chose to wear sunglasses inside Vigyan Bhawan during the ceremony. Comments like, "Why is he wearing sunglasses," and "Ander bhi black glares (black glares even inside a room)!" added a touch of humor to the admiration for Ranbir's style.
Ranbir Kapoor was a proud partner at the event, capturing memorable moments as Alia received her National Film Award from President Droupadi Murmu. Alia's radiant presence was the center of attention, not just for her award but also for her choice to wear her wedding saree, creating an unforgettable look. She appeared resplendent in a sheer beige saree, a striking contrast to Ranbir's black bandhgala suit.
Ranbir Kapoor's gentlemanly gesture at the National Film Awards serves as a reminder of the values instilled in him, and his simple yet impactful act of kindness is a testament to his upbringing and respect for his industry colleagues.