In a heartwarming reunion, Priyanka Chopra welcomed director Vishal Bharadwaj to her Los Angeles home, accompanied by her daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. The unexpected visit was filled with joy, laughter, and precious moments, which Priyanka graciously shared on her Instagram Stories.
The photograph captured the trio riding a golf cart on a sunny day, showcasing their cheerful spirits. Priyanka donned a stylish black top and black shorts with an orange shirt, while Malti sported an adorable orange onesie, orange sunglasses, and a white cap. Vishal Bharadwaj wore a bright smile along with his grey shirt and dark pants. Priyanka captioned the photos with, "Vishal Bharadwaj surprise visit," expressing her delight at the unexpected encounter.
This heartwarming reunion comes as no surprise to fans of the talented actress and the acclaimed director, as they share a long-standing professional and personal relationship. Vishal Bharadwaj has directed Priyanka in notable films like "Kaminey" in 2009 and "7 Khoon Maaf" in 2011, creating memorable cinematic experiences together.
Their friendship extends beyond the silver screen, as evidenced by Vishal's previous visit to Priyanka's New York restaurant, Sona. The director shared his enjoyable experience at the restaurant on social media, highlighting the delightful evening filled with friends and delicious Indian cuisine with a modern twist.
In addition to their creative collaborations and personal gatherings, Priyanka Chopra recently demonstrated her unwavering support and friendship by helping Vishal Bharadwaj during the challenging production of his film "Khufiya" in Canada. Amidst concerns about visas due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Priyanka stepped in and organized the required crew at short notice, ensuring that the film's shooting schedule proceeded smoothly. Vishal Bhardwaj expressed his gratitude for Priyanka's timely assistance, emphasizing how she alleviated the stress and ensured the project's success.
Priyanka Chopra currently resides in Los Angeles with her husband, Nick Jonas, and their daughter, Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. While Nick is busy with the Jonas Brothers' tour, Priyanka eagerly awaits the end of the Hollywood writers-actors' strike to resume her work in the entertainment industry.
This heartwarming reunion and Priyanka's supportive gesture highlight the strong bonds forged in the world of entertainment and remind us of the enduring friendships that exist beyond the glamour of the silver screen.