
No Excuse is good enough

21 August 2022

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The D- day of the race.

Both the hare and the tortoise were ready at the start line.

What was the tortoise thinking about at that time?

Was it possible to back off? What was the use, anyway? He would never win. He would end up becoming a laughingstock for the entire animal kingdom. Why take the risk?

Was the reason for not participating good enough?

Obviously. We can say that he had a very justified reason to back off. In fact, backing off would have been a wise decision.

Bite what you can chew. 

Aim only for that what you can achieve.

Maybe practise for some time and then return.

He could give a lot of excuses. Justified, reasonable, valid excuses.

But he didn't.

No excuse was good enough for him. 

He stuck to his decision. 

We know the outcome.

What justified, reasonable, and valid reason are you giving for not achieving your goals?

It is only when we reach a point where no excuse is good enough that we can start achieving our dreams.


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No Excuse is good enough

21 August 2022

The D- day of the race. Both the hare and the tortoise were ready at the start line. What was the tortoise thinking about at that time? Was it possible to back off? What was the use, anyway? He wou


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