Bollywood fans have reason to celebrate as Kareena Kapoor has officially confirmed her next film collaboration with renowned director Rohit Shetty through an Instagram post. The actress, who is currently in Hyderabad for the shoot, shared a snapshot from the set, providing an exciting glimpse into her upcoming project. Her post ignited curiosity among fans and industry peers alike, with actor Ranveer Singh chiming in with his enthusiasm.
Kareena Kapoor's Instagram Reveal:
Kareena Kapoor took to her Instagram account to share the thrilling news of her upcoming venture with Rohit Shetty. In a picture taken from behind the scenes, she stands confidently in the midst of a high-octane action scene featuring an upturned car. Given Rohit Shetty's penchant for adrenaline-pumping action sequences, it wasn't difficult for fans to connect the dots. In the caption, Kareena wrote, "Do I need to say who I am shooting for? P.S - He is one of my most favorite directors... This is my fourth film with him... and of course not the last... Ready Steady Go... @itsrohitshetty."
Kareena and Rohit Shetty's History:
This exciting collaboration marks the fourth time that Kareena Kapoor and Rohit Shetty will be working together. They previously shared the screen in "Golmaal 3" (2010) and "Singham Returns" (2014). Interestingly, it was revealed that Rohit Shetty had intended to cast Kareena opposite Shah Rukh Khan in "Chennai Express" (2013), but due to scheduling conflicts, Kareena had to opt out, and the role eventually went to Deepika Padukone.
Ranveer Singh Joins the Excitement:
Ranveer Singh, who has worked with Rohit Shetty in three films, including "Simmba" (2018), "Sooryavanshi" (2021), and "Cirkus" (2022), couldn't contain his excitement. In the comments section, Ranveer expressed his joy, saying, "(red heart emoticons) this is my fourth film with him too! And my first with YOU!" This playful exchange added to the buzz surrounding the upcoming project.
What Lies Ahead:
While the official confirmation of Kareena Kapoor's collaboration with Rohit Shetty has sent fans into a frenzy, details about her role and the film's storyline remain under wraps. However, given the track record of both the actress and the director, expectations are high for a dynamic and entertaining cinematic experience.
Kareena Kapoor's recent release, "Jaane Jaan," a thrilling adaptation of Higashino Keigo's bestselling novel "The Devotion of Suspect X," was well-received on Netflix. Additionally, the actress has other exciting projects in the pipeline, including Hansal Mehta's next and "The Crew."
As Bollywood enthusiasts eagerly await more information about Kareena Kapoor's next collaboration with Rohit Shetty, the anticipation for this cinematic endeavor continues to build, promising a delightful treat for audiences in the near future.