Director Atlee, known for his blockbuster films, is setting his sights on the Oscars with his latest release, "Jawan," starring Bollywood icon Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara, and Vijay Sethupathi. The film, which has already stormed the box office, crossing the ₹800 crore mark globally, has garnered significant attention for its cinematic achievements. Atlee recently expressed his desire to push "Jawan" for consideration at the prestigious Academy Awards, and he humorously mentioned discussing this aspiration with his film's leading star, Shah Rukh Khan.
Aspiring for Oscars
In an interview with ETimes, Atlee revealed his aspiration to see "Jawan" competing at the Oscars, saying, "I would love to take Jawan to the Oscars." He emphasized that every filmmaker, technician, and artist in the film industry aims for recognition at prestigious awards ceremonies like the Oscars, Golden Globes, and National Awards. Atlee playfully added that he would discuss the idea with Shah Rukh Khan, saying, "I will also ask him over a call 'Sir, should we take this film to the Oscars?"
The Success of "Jawan"
"Jawan" has enjoyed immense success since its release, both domestically and internationally. It has achieved the remarkable milestone of entering the ₹800 crore club worldwide. In India, the film is closing in on ₹500 crore, setting records as the fastest Hindi movie to reach the ₹400 crore mark in the country. The movie, directed by Atlee, is a high-octane action thriller that delves into the emotional journey of a man determined to rectify societal wrongs. Shah Rukh Khan plays dual roles as Vikram Rathore and his son Azad, addressing social and political issues through the narrative.
Star-Studded Cast and Collaboration
"Jawan" boasts a star-studded cast, with notable appearances by Deepika Padukone and Sanjay Dutt in special cameo roles. The film also features talented actors such as Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani, and others in key roles. Atlee's collaboration with Shah Rukh Khan for "Jawan" marked their first venture together, and the director praised Khan's down-to-earth nature, emphasizing that despite his iconic status, Shah Rukh Khan remained grounded.
Director Atlee's ambition to have "Jawan" considered for the Oscars reflects the film's remarkable impact and the director's aspirations for global recognition. The success of "Jawan" at the box office underscores its appeal to audiences worldwide. If "Jawan" indeed makes its way to the Oscars, it would be a significant moment not only for Atlee but also for Indian cinema, showcasing the industry's growing influence on the international stage. As fans eagerly await Atlee and Shah Rukh Khan's next collaboration, their eyes remain on the horizon, filled with hope for Oscar glory.