Jackie Shroff, the veteran actor of Bollywood, recently opened up about his son Tiger Shroff's journey in the film industry. In a candid interview, he shared insights into how Tiger handles the emotional rollercoaster of success and failure in the film world.
A Father's Perspective:
Jackie Shroff revealed that when Tiger Shroff's films face setbacks at the box office, his son does feel disheartened. Like any parent witnessing their child's disappointment, Jackie empathizes with Tiger. He mentioned that Tiger would sit at home, feeling down after such moments. However, it's in Tiger's DNA to bounce back stronger, according to Jackie.
Encouraging Resilience:
Jackie Shroff, as a supportive father, plays a crucial role in helping Tiger overcome these challenges. He offers his son valuable advice, emphasizing the importance of resilience and the need to rise after every fall. He acknowledges Tiger's relentless hard work and dedication and appreciates the efforts put in by his child. Jackie's pride in Tiger's achievements shines through, and he believes that receiving recognition for one's hard work is a moment of joy for any parent.
Jackie on His Acting Journey:
In the same interview, Jackie Shroff modestly downplayed the challenges he's faced in his own acting career. He credited the directors, technicians, editors, camera persons, and music composers for their roles in shaping his performances. Jackie humorously mentioned that once a director casts him in a film, he dives into the role with the enthusiasm of a child in a candy store. He emphasized that he's there to give his best, and the rest is in the hands of the filmmaking team.
What Lies Ahead:
While Jackie Shroff continues to grace the silver screen with his charismatic pre f6sence, his son Tiger Shroff is making waves in the industry with his action-packed performances. Tiger is set to star in Ahmed Khan's dystopian action film "Ganpath," showcasing his versatility and dedication to his craft.
Jackie Shroff's words of wisdom on supporting his son through the highs and lows of the film industry reflect the love and pride of a father watching his child's journey to success. It's a reminder that, in the world of cinema, resilience and the unwavering support of loved ones are invaluable assets.