Ganesh Chaturthi, the vibrant Hindu festival that honors Lord Ganesha, is just around the corner. This celebration, also known as Vinayak Chaturthi or Ganeshotsav, holds immense significance in Hindu culture. It marks the birth of Lord Ganesha, the beloved deity known as the remover of obstacles, the god of new beginnings, and the embodiment of wisdom and intelligence. As the festival approaches, there's often confusion about whether Ganesh Chaturthi will be celebrated on September 18 or 19. Here's everything you need to know.
The Essence of Ganesh Chaturthi
Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion across India, with especially grand celebrations in states like Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Goa. During this festival, clay idols of Lord Ganesha are installed in homes and public pandals. Devotees offer daily prayers, prasad (sacred food offerings), and engage in fasting. Modaka, a sweet delicacy, is particularly prepared as it is believed to be Lord Ganesha's favorite.
The festival spans ten days, culminating with Ganesh Visarjan, where the idol of Lord Ganesha is carried through the streets and immersed in nearby waterways.
Ganesh Chaturthi Date for 2023
Ganesh Chaturthi typically falls in the Hindu month of Bhadrapada, which usually spans August to September. The exact date can vary each year, leading to some confusion. For Ganesh Chaturthi in 2023, the festival will begin on Tuesday, September 19, and Ganesh Visarjan will take place on Thursday, September 28, 2023.
According to Hindu scriptures, Lord Ganesha is believed to have been born in the Gregorian months of August or September, aligning with the Shukla Paksha (bright lunar fortnight) of the Bhadrapada month in the Hindu calendar.
To welcome Lord Ganesha on Chaturthi Tithi (the fourth day of the lunar month), the auspicious time begins at 12:39 PM on September 18, 2023, and concludes at 01:43 PM on September 19, 2023, as per the Drik Panchang.
Ganesh Chaturthi is a time for spiritual reflection, cultural celebration, and community togetherness. Whether it's on September 18 or 19, the essence of the festival remains the same - the veneration of Lord Ganesha and the hope for a brighter future free of obstacles. So, mark your calendars and prepare to celebrate the joyous occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, as Lord Ganesha blesses us with his presence once again in 2023.