Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon's highly-anticipated futuristic action film, "Ganapath," hit the silver screen with a bang. However, as the weekend comes to a close, the film's box office collection has displayed a steady performance, with no significant growth in earnings. According to early estimates reported by Sacnilk.com, "Ganapath" collected ₹2.25 crore on Sunday, mirroring its Saturday earnings of the same amount, following its ₹2.5 crore opening on Friday. The cumulative earnings for the film now stand at ₹7 crores after its opening weekend.
Despite showing no growth over the weekend, "Ganapath" has created a buzz in the industry and among fans due to its unique premise and stellar cast. The film, helmed by Vikas Bahl, not only features the dynamic duo of Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon but also includes the legendary Amitabh Bachchan in a pivotal role. Bachchan, appearing in a distinctive new look, plays a wise sage in the film.
The storyline of "Ganapath" is set in 2070 A.D. and revolves around Tiger Shroff's titular character, who is hailed as the "chosen one" and becomes a symbol of hope for oppressed people. He embarks on a quest to discover his destiny in an uncharted realm, encountering various challenges and adversaries along the way. Kriti Sanon's character in the film is depicted as an expert in martial arts, wielding a nunchaku, a weapon used in martial arts.
The ensemble cast also includes Elli AvrRam, Rahman, Gauhar Khan, Jameel Khan, Girish Kulkarni, Shruthy Menon, Ziad Bakri, and Jess Liaudin. "Ganapath - A Hero Is Born" is presented by Pooja Entertainment in collaboration with Good Co and is produced by Vashu Bhagnani, Jackky Bhagnani, Deepshikha Deshmukh, and Vikas Bahl.
Despite the film's collection performance, it has generated significant attention and excitement from fans. Kriti Sanon, while discussing her experience working alongside Amitabh Bachchan, expressed her admiration for the legendary actor. Although she didn't share scenes with him in "Ganapath," she hopes for the opportunity to do so in a future project, acknowledging the immense learning experience that comes from being in his presence.
As "Ganapath" continues its cinematic journey, the film's unique storyline and the star-studded cast, including the iconic Amitabh Bachchan, promise to keep audiences engaged and eager to see what the future holds for this action-packed adventure.