The book “Practical Pharmaceutics” is inimitable which tries to meet almost all the demands of the students required during practical courses. Practical Pharmaceutics has been assisted with the basics of Pharmaceutics which can be applied in Formulat
Garud का उद्देश्य व्यक्ति को भक्ति, ज्ञान, वैराग्य, सदाचार, निष्काम कर्म की महिमा बताने के साथ सर्व साधारण को यज्ञ, दान, तप, तीर्थ आदि शुभ कर्मों का महत्व समझाना है. इसमें आयुर्वेद और नीतिसार जैसे विषयों का भी वर्णन किया गया है
This is just a book review. Original book is written by APJ Abdul Kalam.
यह एक कड़वा सच है कि हम सभी मानवता के साथ है बस हम आज जानवर से भी ज़्यादा स्वार्थ और फरेब रखकर जीवन जीते हैं इसलिए बस यह कविता एक मनभावों का मंथन है जोकि आज को हमें कुछ कह रही है
Shabd's official guidebook on reading, writing and publishing books.
Academic vocabulary: substantive: (adjective) having real importance or significance elucidate: (verb) to make something clear or understandable conundrum: (noun) a puzzling or difficult problem paradigm: (noun) a set of assumptions, concepts, va
Character is a quality , but it is defined best by the conduct these days. Developing a Purity of purpose and mindset to rule those Where you are bullied the worst way is the best way to prove that your character is the most accurate and beautiful a
India is bestowed with varied agro climatic conditions. More and more varieties of fruits are bred or introduced to meet the nutritional security and tastes of people. Increase in awareness on health consciousness has necessitated the need for e
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This book is introducing the technology of computer. I have here tried to increase the IT skills of the readers. Almost all chapters discussed here. Evolution of computer to today's financial tools and are focused. I have also given a special chapt
एक सफल युटूबर बनना जितना आसान है, उतना ही मुश्किल भी है। अधूरा ज्ञान ले कर 2015 तक आप सफल हो सकते थे, लेकिन आज 2022 चल रहा है, दिन जैसे जैसे बीतेंगे, परिश्रम और टेक्नोलॉजी उतना ही चैलेंजिंग हो जायेगी। कोई एक महिने सफल हो रहा है, तो किसी को 10 साल तक
How to make money easier. There is no short cut to win. Hardwork is the only way to success. Make harder success is yours. Believe in our own abilities. No one is for encourage, but so many discouraged. Taking risk is the another factor. Who takes r
उसका लड़का बहुत ही आज्ञाकारी था, वह अपने पिता की बात कभी नहीं टालता था, Because वह अपने पिता की हर बात सुनता था वह जनता था उसके पिता ने बहुत दुःख झेला है जब जाकर उसको पाला है, उस एक घर में बेटा और उसके पिता ही थे, उसके पिता एक दिन अचानक ही बीमार पड़ ग
Manufacturing and workshop practices have become important in the industrial environment to produce products for the service of mankind. The knowledge of manufacturing practices is highly essential for all engineers and technocrats for familiarizin