Chief Justice of India, Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud, recently addressed the role of the Supreme Court in India, highlighting its unique position as the final court of appeal and the extensive jurisdiction it holds. During his speech at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit, CJI Chandrachud shed light on the court's responsibility in answering critical and seminal issues, irrespective of their complexity.
The CJI made a compelling comparison with the American Supreme Court to underline the vast workload and scope of cases handled by the Indian Supreme Court. He revealed that the American Supreme Court typically entertains 5,000 to 8,000 cases annually, with their nine judges deciding approximately 80 to 100 cases each year. In contrast, the Supreme Court of India had already disposed of a staggering 72,000 cases in the current year, with two months still remaining.
CJI Chandrachud's message was clear: the Indian Supreme Court does not shy away from tackling complex issues. He stated, "The Supreme Court is not just a constitutional court, we are a final court of appeal, and that role is as important as our constitutional role." The court's jurisdiction spans a wide array of subjects, from intellectual property to insolvency and bankruptcy, labor, taxation, criminal cases, and more. This broad spectrum of jurisdiction is a reflection of the court's intended role as the people's court.
One key aspect of the Supreme Court's functioning that CJI Chandrachud highlighted is the formation of Constitution benches. The court has convened these benches to address a diverse range of issues, from the legal recognition of same-sex marriage to the validity of Article 370 and the 10% quota for economically weaker sections of society. These cases serve as a testament to the court's commitment to upholding the principles enshrined in the Constitution.
Furthermore, the CJI acknowledged the differences between the American Supreme Court and the Indian Supreme Court. He emphasized that the Indian Supreme Court, as the final court of appeal, exercises its wide jurisdiction for a reason, serving the diverse needs and concerns of the nation.
In conclusion, Chief Justice Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud's remarks underscore the pivotal role of the Supreme Court of India as the final court of appeal and its unwavering commitment to addressing complex and seminal issues. The court's unique position and extensive jurisdiction continue to play a critical role in upholding the principles of justice and democracy in the country.