एक ऐसी उल्टी जो आपका वजन कम कर दे
A 'Vomiting' Helps you in Reducing weight...
if you are not happy with your heavy weight and bulky body ; and want to lose weight without any cost, then this single step can help you very much; that is ' 'vomiting'.
How and Why?
In morning after fresh , take 2-3 glass of light boiling water and then vomits.
Initially, once in three days you can do, and later on , once in seven days would be very helpful in reducing fat of your body ; also would keep you away from cough and branches problems, high BP problem .
Why is it so... Due to boiling water, fats get diluted in it ; and because of vomiting it comes out; and in result you would feel your weight is coming into control after 2-3 months.
Yog /meditation /fast running/ cycling all things are having their own importance in fitness ; and by these activities the body becomes more or less stone like soldiers. But the problem is that everyone can't do that in regular process; but my process everyone can do ; which would not take more then 5 minutes. that's why I have mentioned it
Consume mostly juice / fruits or soaked gram / mug as breakfast in the morning. Be sure to drink a glass of water two to three minutes before lunch or dinner. Do not drink water while eating or immediately after eating food, do not even fill the fat. Keep sitting comfortably for 5-10 minutes, and then fill the chadu.
If you feel spicyout of your range , try eating sweets / sugar / jaggery / sugar. This will not cause you a phlegm / cough problem, and many diseases will also be kept away, as well as your diet will also get increased.
Try to lighten dinner (dinner), or try to avoid occasionally. And instead of this, eat a plate salad with salt, pepper, or a bowl of dal and rice khichdi. Try to follow it 2 months after the start. In this month you will be able to feel your body shrinking.
एक ऐसी उल्टी जो आपका वजन कम कर दे
सुबह के नाश्ते के रूप में ज्यादातर जुस /फ्रूट्स या फिर भीगे हुए चने / मुगं का सेवन करें ।
लंच या डिनर करने से दो-तीन मिनट पहले एक गिलास पानी अवश्य पिए । खाना खाते वक्त या खाना खाने के तुरंत बाद पानी ना पिए, चडु भी ना भरे। 5-10 मिनट तक आराम से बैठे रहे , और फिर चडु भरें।
अगर आपको चिपरा लगे तो मिठाई /चीनी /गुड़ /शक्कर खाने की कोशिश करें। इससे आपको कफ/खांसी की प्रॉब्लम भी नहीं होगी, और बहुत सारी बीमारी भी दूर ही रहेंगी, साथ ही साथ आपकी डाइट भी इनक्रीज हो जाएगी।
डिनर ( रात का खाना) हल्का करने की कोशिश करें, या फिर कभी- कभी अवॉइड करने की कोशिश करें। और इसकी जगह एक प्लेट सलाद नमक काली- मिर्च डालकर खाएं, या फिर एक कटोरा दाल- चावल की खिचड़ी खाए।
शुरुआत के 2 महीने इसे फॉलो करने की कोशिश करें। इस महीने में आप अपने शरीर को कम होते हुए महसूस कर पाओगे।
Thank you.....