Meaning of कलम in English
- A flea.
- To cut off as the top or extreme part of anything; to sho/ -- by cutting off the extremities; to cut off, or remove as superfluous parts; as, to lop a tree or its branches.
- To cut partly off and bend down; as, to lop bushes in a hedge.
- That which is lopped from anything, as branches from a tree.
- To hang downward; to be pendent; to lean to one side.
- To let hang down; as, to lop the head.
- Hanging down; as, lop ears; -- used also in compound adjectives; as, lopeared; lopsided.
- A feather.
- A wing.
- An instrument used for writing with ink, formerly made of a reed, or of the quill of a goose or other bird, but now also of other materials, as of steel, gold, etc. Also, originally, a stylus or other instrument for scratching or graving.
- Fig.: A writer, or his style; as, he has a sharp pen.
- The internal shell of a squid.
- A female swan.
- To write; to compose and commit to paper; to indite; to compose; as, to pen a sonnet.
- To shut up, as in a pen or cage; to confine in a small inclosure or narrow space; to coop up, or shut in; to inclose.
- A small inclosure; as, a pen for sheep or for pigs.
- pl. of Penny.
- One who, or that which, scoops.
- The avocet; -- so called because it scoops up the mud to obtain food.
- A separate portion of a written paper, paragraph, or sentence; an article, stipulation, or proviso, in a legal document.
- A subordinate portion or a subdivision of a sentence containing a subject and its predicate.
- See Letters clause / close, under Letter.
- A German title of nobility, equivalent to earl in English, or count in French. See Earl.
- The scarp of a ditch or moat.
- A small shoot or scion of a tree inserted in another tree, the stock of which is to support and nourish it. The two unite and become one tree, but the graft determines the kind of fruit.
- A branch or portion of a tree growing from such a shoot.
- A portion of living tissue used in the operation of autoplasty.
- To insert (a graft) in a branch or stem of another tree; to propagate by insertion in another stock; also, to insert a graft upon.
- To implant a portion of (living flesh or akin) in a lesion so as to form an organic union.
- To join (one thing) to another as if by grafting, so as to bring about a close union.
- To cover, as a ring bolt, block strap, splicing, etc., with a weaving of small cord or rope-yarns.
- To insert scions from one tree, or kind of tree, etc., into another; to practice grafting.
- of Graft
- One who inserts scions on other stocks, or propagates fruit by ingrafting.
- An instrument by which grafting is facilitated.
- The original tree from which a scion has been taken for grafting upon another tree.
Meaning of कलम in English
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✍️ Author Munna Prajapati
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नोट:- यदि आप इस गीत को व्यापारिक तौर पर रिकॉर्ड करके रिलीज करना चाहते हैं तो कर सकतें हैं परंतु हमारी अनुमति लेने के बाद, हमारी अनुमति अनिवार्य है । धन्यवाद🙏
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एक खूबसूरत, रंग बिरंगी तितली,
फूलों से उड़कर, मेरे जिशम् को
छुकर, उड़ गयी ।
जाने किस तरह, मेरी निगाहों से,
मेरे दिल में उतरकर, मुझसे,
मेरे सपनों से जुड़ गयी ।
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हर पल, मेरे दिल के बाग़ीचे मे बिहार करती ।
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लेकिन वो सबक थी मेरी जिंदगी का... ।।
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जाने कैसी हवा लगी,
किस मौसम ने उसको छुआ ,
एक पल मे कोई अपना, सपना हुआ,
जाने कहाँ छिप गयी जाकर, एक उम्र तक
मेरी नजरों को तड़पना हुआ ।
कोई बहकाया या बहक गयी,
किसी और के बाग़ीचे मे जाकर, चेहेक गयी ।
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मुझे लगा ये मेरी मोहब्बत है...
लेकिन वो सबक थी मेरी जिंदगी का ।।
मै अकेले अंधेरों मे, खामोश रहा,
उसकी वेदना मे मदहोश रहा ।
मैने सदिओं बाद, कलम कागज से साथ की,
दिल की हर बात लिखा, और फिर
खुद से बात की ।
अभी तक कोई इश्क़ का पैग़ाम नही आया,
वो मिटा ही नही, जो रंग दिल मे समाया,
दर्द, खामोशी, सबर, चिखना, सिसकना,
मैने बहोत कुछ सिखा...
जो कुछ भी मेरे हिस्से मे आया ।
मुझे लगा, वो मौजूदगी है मेरी, गैर मौजूदगी का
मुझे लगा, वो मेरी खुदा की इबादत है...
लेकिन नहीं.....
वो सबक थी मेरी जिंदगी का... ।।
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