Shabd Book -

Man Against Myth

Barrows Dunham

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Completed on 3 January 2023
ISBN : 9788123750712
Also available on Amazon

The publication of Man Against Myth in 1947 was received with critical acclaim and won high praise from some of the best minds of the time. The book demolishes a series of deeply entrenched social myths such as the ' Rich are fit and the poor unfit'; 'There are superior and inferior races'; and ' You cannot be free and safe'. The perpetuation of such myths, the book argues, has been beneficial to the interests of a privileged few and has worked to justify inequality and impeded human progress in society. Written with sensitivity and wit, Man Against Myth conveys a powerful message that continues to resonate in contemporary times. 


Incredible book with a good story. Man Against Myth was published in 1947 to rave reviews and high praise from some of the brightest thinkers of the day. A number of deeply ingrained social beliefs, including "Rich are fit and the poor unfit," "There are superior and inferior races," and "You cannot be free and safe," are disproved in the book. The book makes the case that the persistence of such myths has served the interests of a select few, helped to justify inequality, and slowed down social advancement. Man Against Myth is a sensitive and witty book that delivers a strong message that is still relevant today.

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