Now the money you have saved by not spending extravagantly. Put him to work. Invest and make money from it. For this, you can open a fixed deposit account in the bank. In this you have to deposit money once. You can deposit as much as you want. for a certain time. And after the completion of time, you will get the full amount with interest. Recurring deposit accounts can be opened. In which the savings which are saved every month for a fixed time should be deposited and on completion of the time, get the benefit. All this is absolutely the first step in the world of investing. And is absolutely risk free. If you want to take risk then share market. mutual fund. index fund. real state. Like you can invest money in the market. In this, the value of your money increases or decreases according to the fluctuations of the market. You can buy a house and put it on rent or you can buy a vehicle and put it on rent. There are many ways to create passive income. From where you keep getting money without doing anything." Always invest at your own risk and thoughtfully.