In this column you can easily write the next chapters
of half completed books, or even published books. This option can be located
just below the dashboard where you can publish your article. Here you’ll find
the “Create New Book” option at first and will get a list of published books.
Let’s update you how to use each of these options:
1. Create A New Book
Click on “Write” and then you’ll be directed on this option
in Then, select on “Create New Book” and you can now publish your new
book. First write the title of your new book, then the blurb and add any
pictures you want to showcase in the book. Now select the genre of book from
the category list, if you want to keep your book free then simply select the
“Publish” option, or if you want to keep it paid, fill in the price of the book
and click on the “Publish” option. Now your book will be published.
2. Books Already Published
If your book has already been published then you’ll get this
list under the “Write New Book” option. Select “Write Article” for the
book you want to add a chapter in and then you can write another chapters for
that book.