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8.1. Supernova  A supernova is a powerful and luminous stellar explosion. This transient astronomical event occurs during the last evolutionary stages of a massive star or when a white dwarf is trigg

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7.51 Star  A star is an astronomical object comprising a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by its gravity. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun. Many other stars are visible to the naked eye

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6.1. Galaxy A galaxy is a gravitationally bound system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter.[1] The word is derived from the Greek galaxias, literally 'milky', a refere

5.1 Anisotropic Variation Time Independent Variation  As the earth spins on its own axis with a period of 24 hours (a solar day), the asymptotic cone of acceptance of a ground base detector corotates

कर्म, स्थान, समय, जीवन के 3 ऐसे शब्द है जिन्का महत्व जन्म के साथ शुरू होता है और मृत्यु के साथ आपके जीवन से  हमेशा के लिए अंत हो जाते हैं

I still remember the days of my childhood, as a little girl, when I used to ask my parents to buy me books. When the other kids of my age were busy playing with Barbie dolls and Hot Wheels cars, I was

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4.1. Plasma Plasma is one of the four fundamental states of matter. It contains a significant portion of charged particles ions and/or electrons. The presence of these charged particles is what prima

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3 Measurement of Geomagnetic Filed Different magnetic observatories can measure Earth's magnetic field, its components and different geomagnetic indices. These magnetic observatories are well distrib

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2.1 Interplanetary Magnetic Field The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is a part of the Sun's magnetic field that is carried into interplanetary space by the solar wind. The interplanetary magneti

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stem Astronomers could never see a solar system like ours, until 1995. A solar system is made up of a star with some planets and other objects going around it. In 1995, astronomers found a planet orb

We've all heard our mothers tell us in our childhood to read books, a lot of books, our grandmothers telling us stories out of books. But why? What is with books that they have been so special since c

First of all, I take this opportunity to place on record my indebtedness a large number of relevant books and journals those I have freely consulted during the course of new edition of the book. I am

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I feel extremely happy in presenting first edition of Introductory Astrophysics and Space Science of this standard treatise to students and Professors. Physics is an indispensable part of training of

this is a page 2

i am Umesh gera

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MATERNAL AND NEWBORN NURSING OF GNM,B.Sc &p.b.b.sC NURSING STUDENTSdr. K.T. SHANTHI PREFACE An essential component of Perinatal safety is the organizational culture in which clinicians work. Clinicia

We fought nature and lost Time and again What a year it was! Added calamities of flash floods and heavy rains And cyclones with many names The earth was shaking tremendously, Beneath my feet dev

I met a girl,  And fell in love with her- And amused to see how She can bridge the gap Of her torn bruises,  With her cold blood; Keeping aside all the pain-  Inside the deep corner of her hear

Was it easy for you my love To leave me scattered,  On the paths where  We walked together happily?  Was it easy for you my love To break my heart,  On a misunderstanding Created by our clo

A rustic, dilapidated antique structure,  With thousands of the immortal memoirs Engraved on it,  Carries abundant memories of The bygone men,  Who once rose to power And magnified the pride of