
About Debyani Mukherjee

A passionate rebel word binder, who loves to pour her heart out onto paper, jotting down the fierce words of her own

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Books of Debyani Mukherjee

Poetry of the Bleeding Tragedies

Poetry of the Bleeding Tragedies

Poetry of the Bleeding Tragedies is a collection of poems revolving around various spheres of the real life events, where people are starving and suffering due to various heart wrenching incidents. This includes the issues of heartbreaks, partition m

21 Readers
29 Articles
Poetry of the Bleeding Tragedies

Poetry of the Bleeding Tragedies

Poetry of the Bleeding Tragedies is a collection of poems revolving around various spheres of the real life events, where people are starving and suffering due to various heart wrenching incidents. This includes the issues of heartbreaks, partition m

21 Readers
29 Articles

Articles of Debyani Mukherjee

The Nightmare

2 August 2022

I rose to an abode of chancy realm, In a dark cadaverous lane - I hear someone whispering gibberish In an unknown language! Digging deep inside in search of the nuisance; The haunting darkness thus s

A Short Ballad in the Rain

29 July 2022

The heavy downpour in the town, Hastens to fill my heart with pain. In search of my lost beloved, I feel empty inside in vain! As if the entire sky had been filled With so much immense anguish S

The Horrors of Partition

29 July 2022

In a jiffy of moments, A line was drawn between two nations- Affecting the people- Geographically, mentally and physically! Several families got displaced Situation compelled them to take refuge,

A Day in the Life of Refugee

29 July 2022

How traumatic is it To see a dozens of scattered Children and families Crying and yelling around The camps; To see a place overcrowded with Millions of hopeless people, To hear loud screams Ev

The Valley Bleeds Again!

29 July 2022

Under the haunting howl of the wolves, Under the point of the sharp guns, In the name of the 'target attacks'- The valley bleeds again! The bloodthirsty wolves hunt up for All the weak fleshy m

The Rape Victim

29 July 2022

Broken down with the feelings that, I am a survivor of a horrible event, For which I was too young to bear, And too immature to understand. Shattered by the haunts of the past, Torn by the grue

The Grief of the Harappan Girl

29 July 2022

Standing amidst the bricky lanes, Roaming in the bygone plains, Far away from the worldly crave, The Harappan girl stands so brave! Unknown from the wrath of time, Amazed with the course of c

Elegy of an Innocent Unborn

29 July 2022

Mother, o mother! Why did you kill me? What was the fault in me, That made you to abandon me in moments? Mother,o mother! Was I suffering from some defects? And didn't you love me as much as 

The Power of Words

28 July 2022

The power of words is such that It cheers up your present moment; But with flowers do come thorns Tearing right into your ligament. The power of words is curing It can heal all hurt prevailing;

The Villain

28 July 2022

Walking through the dense, resembling woods, The more I went inside, the more darker it became, Surrounding me with darkness alone to vent. In a jiffy, I thought I was in the bird's hell cage, Fro