Here is an expression of realisations from the knowledge of our existence, surroundings and the universe as a whole. Using advanced technologies researchers and scientists uncovering mysteries of unknown realities relentlessly. The immeasurable enormity of objects, energy and space-time variations exhibit how negligible and irrelevant our presence or existence. We are developing new science and technology continuously to observe the effects of the master program so precisely tuned to create from birth to death of living and nonliving beings on one side as well as magnificent, incomprehensibly huge, inquisitively wonderful universe governed by separate precise programs on the other side. This may have triggered the idea of a creator (for some almighty or god) willingly setting these programs faultlessly. This also brings in, idea of consciousness, mind, emotions or curiosity. Being agnostic I fail to accept even real evidences unquestionably. In following chapters I mentioned few realities presented by scientists which gave me most valuable realisations to be cherished. Interestingly we are struggling to find out existence of this enormous creation, but those magnificent objects never bother for our existence, lead to realize, “are we so insignificant?” This journey is obviously endless and engrossing.
2 Books