

I recently met a business man in Texas who was burned up with indignation. I was warned that he would tell me about it within fifteen minutes after I met him. He did. The incident he was angry about

One night, years ago, as I was travelling through Yellowstone Park, I sat with other tourists on bleachers facing a dense growth of pine and spruce. Presently the animal which we had been waiting to

A Few years ago, I was asked to answer this question on a radio programme: "What is the biggest lesson you have ever learned?" That was easy: by far the most vital lesson I have ever learned is the

As I write this sentence, I can look out of my window and see some dinosaur tracks in my garden-dinosaur tracks embedded in shale and stone. I purchased those dinosaur tracks from the Peabody Museum

WOULD you like to know how to make money on the Stock Exchange? Well, so would a million other people-and if I knew the answer, this book would sell for a fabulous price. However, there's one good i

When I was a little boy, I was playing with some of my friends in the attic of an old, abandoned log house in north-west Missouri. As I climbed down out of the attic, I rested my feet on a window-si

As a child, I grew up on a Missouri farm; and one day, while helping my mother pit cherries, I began to cry. My mother said: "Dale, what in the world are you crying about?" I blubbered: "I'm afraid

Here is a dramatic story that I'll probably remember as long as I live. It was told to me by Robert Moore, of 14 Highland Avenue, Maplewood, New Jersey. "I learned the biggest lesson of my life in M

I shall never forget the night, a few years ago, when Marion J. Douglas was a student in one of my classes. (I have not used his real name. He requested me, for personal reasons, not to reveal his i

IF you are a business man, you are probably saying to yourself right now: "The title of this chapter is ridiculous. I have been running my business for nineteen years; and I certainly know the answe

I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew): Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. -Rudyard Kipling ---- Will the magic formula of Willis H. Carrier, des

Business men who do not know how to fight worry die young. -DR. Alexis Carrel. ~~~~ Some time ago, a neighbour rang my doorbell one evening and urged me and my family to be vaccinated against sma

Would you like a quick, sure-fire recipe for handling worry situations-a technique you can start using right away, before you go any further in reading this book? Then let me tell you about the meth

In the spring of 1871, a young man picked up a book and read twenty-one words that had a profound effect on his future. A medical student at the Montreal General Hospital, he was worried about passi

How This Book Was Written-and Why? Thirty-Five years ago, I was one of the unhappiest lads in New York. I was selling motortrucks for a living. I didn't know what made a motor-truck run. That wasn'

Sixteen Ways in Which This Book Will Help You Preface - How This Book Was Written-and Why Part One - Fundamental Facts You Should Know About Worry 1 - Live in "Day-tight Compartments" 2 - A Magi

Two households, both alike in dignity (In fair Verona, where we lay our scene), From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of

ROMEO MONTAGUE, his father LADY MONTAGUE, his mother BENVOLIO, their kinsman ABRAM, a Montague servingman BALTHASAR, Romeo’s servingman JULIET CAPULET, her father LADY CAPULET, her mother NUR

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