Meaning of आदर्श in English
- Existing in idea or thought; conceptional; intellectual; mental; as, ideal knowledge.
- Reaching an imaginary standard of excellence; fit for a model; faultless; as, ideal beauty.
- Existing in fancy or imagination only; visionary; unreal.
- Teaching the doctrine of idealism; as, the ideal theory or philosophy.
- Imaginary.
- A mental conception regarded as a standard of perfection; a model of excellence, beauty, etc.
- of Ideality
- The quality or state of being ideal.
- The capacity to form ideals of beauty or perfection.
- The conceptive faculty.
- In an ideal manner; by means of ideals; mentally.
- A rule or authoritative standard; a model; a type.
- A typical, structural unit; a type.
- Same as Id.
- A suffix used to denote: (a) The nonmetallic, or negative, element or radical in a binary compound; as, oxide, sulphide, chloride. (b) A compound which is an anhydride; as, glycolide, phthalide. (c) Any one of a series of derivatives; as, indogenide, glucoside, etc.
- Destitute of an idea.
- An idealist.
- The actual existence supposed to correspond with an idea; the correlate in real existence to the idea as a thought or existence.
- To form in idea; to fancy.
- To apprehend in thought so as to fix and hold in the mind; to memorize.
- A combining form from the Gr. /, an idea.
Meaning of आदर्श in English
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