Delhi police have made significant strides in investigating the Parliament security breach case, culminating in the recent arrest of Mahesh Kumawat. Accused of aiding Lalit Jha, the alleged 'mastermind,' in his escape from Delhi, Kumawat was apprehended and subsequently sent to a seven-day police custody.
The incident, marked by two individuals infiltrating the House and releasing colored smoke, prompted swift action from authorities. Kumawat voluntarily presented himself at a police station alongside Lalit Jha, leading to their handover to the Special Cell. Authorities had been interrogating Kumawat since his surrender.
A pivotal revelation emerged regarding Kumawat's affiliation with the now-deleted Bhagat Singh Fan Club page, a detail linking him to the accused. Police leveled charges of evidence destruction and criminal conspiracy against Kumawat, citing his alleged involvement in the destruction of mobile phones belonging to the accused.
During the court proceedings presided over by Special Judge Hardeep Kaur, Kumawat was remanded to Delhi police custody for seven days. The prosecution alleged his complicity in a larger scheme aimed at fomenting anarchy within the country, necessitating thorough interrogation to unveil the entire conspiracy.
Sources indicate that police are considering seeking permission from Parliament to recreate the December 13 breach incident, which coincided with the anniversary of the 2001 attack. Additionally, Lalit Jha, believed to be the mastermind, remains under interrogation after his recent arrest. Police asserted in the Patiala House court that Jha acknowledged multiple meetings to orchestrate the breach of Parliament security.
Moreover, authorities are intensifying their scrutiny of Jha to ascertain potential connections with hostile nations or terrorist organizations. The ongoing investigation aims to delve deeper into the intricate network behind the breach, involving multiple suspects and a plot that appears to have been meticulously planned.
The recent developments underscore the gravity of the situation, highlighting the collaborative efforts of law enforcement agencies to unravel the complexities surrounding the breach and bring all involved individuals to justice.