In a ceremony at the Raj Bhavan on Saturday, Governor Kalraj Mishra administered the oath of office to 22 BJP MLAs as new ministers in the Rajasthan government. This cabinet reshuffle aims to strike a balance between experienced faces and new blood, while addressing regional and caste representation within the party.
image from NDTV
Among the inductees are two former Lok Sabha MPs, Kirodi Lal Meena and Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, who resigned from their parliamentary seats to contest state assembly elections earlier this year. Their inclusion highlights the BJP's focus on bolstering its ministerial ranks with individuals possessing national-level experience.
The new cabinet comprises 12 cabinet ministers, 5 ministers of state (independent charge), and 5 ministers of state. Notably, Madan Dilawar, Gajendra Singh Khinvsar, and Babulal Kharadi are among the experienced politicians elevated to cabinet positions. Meanwhile, younger faces like Avinash Gehlot, Joraram Kumawat, and Hemant Meena have been entrusted with ministerial responsibilities, showcasing the BJP's commitment to grooming future leaders.
The induction of five ministers of state (independent charge) including Sanjay Sharma, Gautam Kumar, and Jhabar Singh Kharra, signals the party's intent to empower individuals with specific domain expertise to handle crucial portfolios.
This reshuffle comes after months of speculation and anticipation and is expected to reinvigorate the Rajasthan BJP ahead of the upcoming legislative assembly elections in 2023. Whether this strategic move by the ruling party will translate into political success remains to be seen, but the injection of fresh talent and renewed experience into the cabinet certainly provides a boost to the BJP's campaign efforts.