

1 August 2022

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So, if you look around what do you see? I am not talking about things; I mean people when you have a glance around the world what all you see is people. well the world says people, but I term them as "wonders". Guess, why? Because, simply they are! Trust me, they are worth to be termed "wonders". People are incredible, and the highlites of human nature are mindblowing. 'People' is not that easy subject as it looks. 

Well, "wonders" are around us and we have to observe the "wonder" in them. Socially, the things are even interesting. So, if you are waiting for a bus at the bus stop. For sure, there will be a person who will keep serious observations on others who are at the stop. And try to guess, probably,destination, where each one is going.  They will observe the way people use their mobile phones. Now, when the bus comes the process won't stop. They will continue to observe, because now bus is a bigger arena.

As I am a keen observer, I too observe people, fortunate enough I learned to obsereve what people observe. Sounds complicated but is interesting. I really love to write about peoples' psychology which will make people familiar with people. And really will help in developing our mental and social sense. So, I have decided to start this series; which will sum up many observations and all about those "wonders". Its gonna be a interesting journey. And it will be fun to know about what people "think" for people.


   -Shrutika Patankar.

More Books by Shrutika Patankar

Wonders around me
A series of people's behaviour helping other people to develop socially. It's a social psychology series and sarcastic enough at times. A perfect read for the ones who want to know life and philosophy do not have enough time for reading but want to. Reading about people helps people to deal with people easily. That's what one needs nowadays. Happy reading!