
People ,temple and god

1 August 2022

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Here I am with you yet another part of wonders around me. So, people let's start to 'wonder' about people it's very obvious people visit temples to pray me too, to you too. But there are a few visitors who have a different moto. Some our daily visitors, so , they choose hour or two of their packed schedule. So , these will pray very quick ,complete the formalities in front of God and look for some corner. And here starts the observation! How many people come and go ,what might be there prayer for? etc.

So, as I told you earlier, I am a keen observer and yes, I have observed such keen observers. I have the temple experience too. But one such experience is a must share. I was there at the theatre, for some movie. And was waiting for the arena to be vacant for our show. So there was this wonder. He was in his forties maybe.... this is what my observation says. And I am damn sure he didn't observe a person like me observing him. So this man, he was standing in the queue at the Popcorn counter and waited. Next he thought (maybe) of some coke and changed the line and waited to buy some coke. Again it was just within couple of minutes buying nothing he went at end of the counter and asked for chips. The service person was about to hand him the bag off chips but the persons phone rang. And he went aside. So within no time he returned but went straight at the queue for the hot beverages. So I was happy for him because at least he had made his mind finally for hot beverages. But vain. He stood there for sometime ,didn't bought the beverage and walked in straight for washroom. So I thought this was the best reason to end my observation. So, the door for multiplex opened and as it was our time for show. we Walked in. Just then I felt someone overtaking us from the left. I saw the same man who had Walked in, finally buying nothing. I thought of enhancing my decision making that moment itself, there he was now looking for his seat! I looked at the person and smiled maybe ,because this was a good observation or it taught me to be firm on a decision!

There are indeed thousands of such incidents which all of us have come across. Probably, we ignore because that's common? No it's just an extraordinary observation, which teaches ordinary people like us ,to see the ordinary people around, in an extraordinary manner! The more you observe, the more you know people. And this, for sure enhances your social understanding. I believe. So keep observing the man- kind because its multi purpose! It can be for understanding people or for entertainment as the experience I had! Of course I will share with you more about people in the next part of series of wonders!!

  - Shrutika Patankar😎

More Books by Shrutika Patankar

Wonders around me
A series of people's behaviour helping other people to develop socially. It's a social psychology series and sarcastic enough at times. A perfect read for the ones who want to know life and philosophy do not have enough time for reading but want to. Reading about people helps people to deal with people easily. That's what one needs nowadays. Happy reading!