
Online vs Offline Education

22 August 2022

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Until a few years ago, no one could imagine education without schools and colleges. With the advent of the Internet, computers were just modern, technology based somewhat fancy aids to the process  of education. Classrooms and teachers were irreplaceable in the education system. 

But thank God for the technical advancement, children were not deprived of education during the time corona was rampant and we were force-imprisoned in our homes for more than two years. 

I think this is the only point that goes in favour of online education. 

Otherwise, offline education is no match to online education. 

First of all, the physical environment of a school or college is the most essential part of education as the student gets a completely different environment from that of his home. This environment is conducive to studies, and is full of a variety of experiences and opportunities that shape his personality and lead to all round social, personal and professional development of the child. 

Secondly, the home atmosphere is not conducive to study; there are too many diversions. It is very difficult to concentrate on serious studies. 

Thirdly, too much dependence on technology is also not viable all the time. Technical breakdowns may impact the effectiveness of education. 

Lastly, the online system of examination is not a reliable system. The capabilities of the student are not judged accurately. Not that the offline exam system is perfect, but it is, still better. 

However, I do realize that with time and practice things get better as problems get solved and new techniques emerge. Maybe we need more time to get used to and benefit from online education. Still, given the current scenario and our partially rigid mindset, the end-line for me is like, online education cannot and should not replace offline education. In fact, both should complement each other for effective education to take place. 

I, for one, cannot imagine a child growing up without knowing school. Schools and colleges are not merely places of bookish learning. Computers are still far behind schools in making children knowledgeable. Other aspects of school education, especially, physical, social and moral development, are no where in sight as far as online education is concerned.

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