
Global Warming

3 September 2022

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Global Warming

Global warming or global warning?

Global warming is a warning in the true sense and that too at the global level; therefore it needs to be taken seriously. Or else, we are doomed to face some very serious repercussions with drastic effects, like extinction too. 

It is said that forewarned is forearmed. But looking at the gravity of this problem of global warming, it can be rightly said that no one is taking the situation seriously as the problem is getting serious day-by-day. Awareness about it is not much of a problem, executing the corrective measures is. 

Without being told, all of us are acutely aware of the rising temperatures over the years and the accompanying water shortage problem. A little peek in the media or the Internet is enough to get the gory details, reasons thereof and rectification measures.

But the burning question is, what are we doing about it? 

From my experience, and I know many readers would agree with me, decades ago water shortage was unheard of. Shortage of water was restricted to the desert areas. Rivers, lakes, tanks and wells provided ample water. Mostly, natural air around us was good enough to keep us cool. I am talking about urban areas and not villages that have open areas and greenery all around. 

However, over the years, cities started becoming crowded and witnessed a spur in manufacturing and transportation activities. Slowly unhealthy lifestyles followed by the steadily growing urban crowds became the reason for global warming.

Natural air had to be supplemented with electrical fans, coolers and air conditioners. 

Refrigerators became a necessity in every household. 

Rising population necessitated more and more of such activities. 

The increasing use of machines and gadgets brought about further rise in temperatures.
Water supply became short as deforestation of land has impacted natural rainfall. People in urban areas had to learn to live with dry taps throughout the day, water being supplied only for a limited time only. 

Now there are reports of underground water being depleted to dangerous levels and glaciers on the mountain tops and in the polar regions melting. 

But our life goes on. 

No one cares about melting glaciers, drying rivers and lakes and depleting underground water. We all are busy with short-term measures to keep ourselves cool. Little do we realize that by moving in private transport and using the air conditioner more and more we are intensifying global warming and neglecting the inherent warning. 

Where will this lead us to? Frankly, I am clueless. Somebody, please help, urgently!!!

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